Sep. 22nd, 2012


Who: Ami and Niko
What: Just chatting behind the gym.
Where: Ami's place behind the gym.
When: Just after classes on a Saturday

Back to the forest grove.. )
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Sep. 21st, 2012


Who: Niko+Akane+Hana
What: Music room meet up, because of this thread
Where: Music room
When: Post-recon thread

Niko was sure only Merchant would have a miracle that could make their group suck less but whatever. )

Sep. 20th, 2012


Who: Ayako and Niko
Where:Game common room/roof later(maybe)
What: Hanging out and trying to relax, Also contest
When: Post Scouting and Tenshiro Nest

Anything You can do I can do better. )

Sep. 19th, 2012


Who: Niko+Tenshiro
What: Hallway chase
Where: School hallways/their room
When: Right after infirmary thread

Niko never thought much about Tori's jogging habit till now, when it proved fucking inconvenient. )
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Infirmary Thread

WHO: Tenshiro, Niko and Iwata
WHAT: Short meeting between the three about Glee things/introduction
WHEN: May 16th, directly following Oozora Shadow Nest
WHERE: Oozora Infirmary

After the Oozora Shadow Nest... )

Sep. 15th, 2012


Who: Niko+Hana
What: Rooftop times
Where: School Rooftop
When: May 14, after Glee Club Meeting

There really was a lot of detail in the book. Too bad the content itself sucked. )
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Sep. 14th, 2012


Shadow World Area #1

Who: Iwata and the scout team. Rescue team optional.
What: Shadow world exploration.
When: Night time.
Where: Southern Kamizaka.

Preparing for the unknown. )

Sep. 12th, 2012


Who: Niko+Tenshiro
What: Roomies~ and possibly bitching times
Where: Their room
When: May 14, pre-recon mission

Even when he took the 'buts' out of it, it sucked. )
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Sep. 9th, 2012


Who: Niko+Kaito
What: Music Room run in
Where: Music Room, Oozora
When: Post-trip, late afternoon/evening

If listened for carefully enough, a lone guitar's sound could be heard drifting out from the music room. )
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Sep. 2nd, 2012


The day after the Rikka

Who: Itsuki, Niko
What: An early start...
Where: Hotel Room
When: Relatively early in the morning.

At least, early for boys who had gone through a lot last night... )
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Aug. 25th, 2012


Who: Niko and Ayako
What: A Date? for lunch
Where: Hakagure at roughly 4 pm.
When: Second or third day

Ramen Ramen and more Ramen. At least it's not Boss's dad's sushi place. )

Aug. 19th, 2012


A momentous encounter?

Who: Niko, Takeo (open)
Where: The boys' dorm common room
What: A passing meeting
When: Before the Chayamachi shadow nest. Afternoon/very early night.

Whatever was on TV did merit a grave, solemn look... )
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Aug. 16th, 2012


Who: Niko+Ayako
What: Garden run-in
Where: Outside on campus grounds
When: Afternoon

Niko had probably fallen asleep before he hit the bench. )
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Aug. 15th, 2012


Who: Niko+Anyone (open)
What: Last minute homework and paper airplanes
Where: School roof
When: Between periods

'Sometimes the ocean's just fucking blue'. )
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Aug. 10th, 2012


Shadow Nest. Reinvent yourself!

What: A shadow nest in Osaka.
Where: Shin Umeda, Osaka.
When: A day or two after the Kamizaka nest, late-afternoon/early night.
Who: Shizuru, Ami, Michiru, Estella, as they may join.

Why be you, when you can do better? )