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May 15th, 2013

[info]horror_gms in [info]oldschoolrp

Horror Story

horror story.
a game of horror vignettes
Horror Story is an ever-evolving world for original characters. Unwittingly, these characters have been pulled into a place beyond the boundaries of time and space. A shifting dark side or twilight zone that they have no control over and very little - if any - knowledge of. Only a select few will become aware that the rules of this world are being altered, but everyone can feel that something is amiss.

The game works in cycles. Each cycle will have its own setting and major plot arc. All characters will be included, though how involved they become in the main story is up to you. At the end of the cycle the world may shift, but the characters will remain; forced into a new situation, and given the opportunity for a new role. This is an experimental writing game, open since September. We're looking for writers who like to push boundaries and explore the limits of what their characters are capable of. Everyone will get the opportunity to be "good" and "bad," so we're seeking unique and interesting characters capable of both. Don't just play with us. Come tell a story.
premise rules cast wanted apply mod

[info]destructionmods in [info]oldschoolrp

Destruction Island

Destruction Island


an original character mutant rpg







In 2008, the picturesque state of Washington was turned upside-down when a nuclear reactor suddenly began to overheat and meltdown. All neighboring residences were immediately evacuated while officials began the cleanup. Unfortunately, in the process of re-stabilizing the power plant, it became clear that unknown levels of radiation had been leaking into the atmosphere for several months, if not longer, before the plant was deemed to be a danger. Anyone living within a 100 mile radius was strongly encouraged to seek medical attention to screen for resulting medical problems. The response was overwhelming and the hundreds of people believed to be affected were offered a refuge on an island off the coast, Destruction Island. Here, a typical suburban town was established in place of the former wildlife preserve, in the hopes of offering some sense of normalcy. The cornerstone of Destruction is a special facility, where 'victims' of the radiation contamination receive treatment and training to assist in adjusting to their new lives. However, all is not well on the Island. Throughout the community, tensions run rampant, and without the presence of an official police force, vigilante justice keeps society in order.

Destruction Island is a modern-day, genetic-mutation based SL set on a real-life island off the coast of Washington state. All characters are human, with or without genetic mutation. Each character may choose a mutation must pick one power from the list. Over the course of game play, additional associated powers may develop. Also, if the player so chooses, their character may be entered into a mod-controlled lottery to pick initial abilities, secondary abilities, or "regular" human identity. All types of characters are encouraged, both human and super powered. All occupations and roles are welcome and connections with existing characters are encouraged. Multiple opportunities for play will be available each month, both for group and individual interaction, with characters who know each other and with strangers.

[info]duets_mods in [info]oldschoolrp

Duets: A glee redo rpg






Cast List
Player List
Friends Button

Most Needed Characters

Finn Hudson
Marley Rose
Brittany Pierce
Jesse St. James
Mercedes Jones
Tina Cohen-Chang
Artie Abrams
Sam Evans
Dave Karofsky
Sebastian Smythe
Jake Puckerman
Ryder Lynn
Do you like glee? Do you love the characters? Are you invested in what Rachel's going to be singing? Do you care if Kurt gets a boyfriend? Do you like watching people come together and learn and grow?

Do you think they messed up a lot of the storylines? Do you think Finchel's great but they moved too fast? Do you think Blaine never would have cheated on Kurt?

Then this is the game for you. We will spend a month on three episodes at a time, and we'll do things the way we think they should have been done. Change things, add new things, do things the same. It doesn't matter.

Duets is an AU game with the option to be canon compliant. Ships up to the player, no set endgames. Original characters welcome. Canons first come, first served.

This is glee the way it was meant to be.

GAME BEGAn ON MAY 1ST 2013. Join today>>>>>
