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February 4th, 2011

[info]principally in [info]oldschoolrp


The Academy of Powerton is an elite boarding school for the extraordinarily gifted. Students from across the country come to Powerton, Illinois to receive a prepaid education that will help them prepare for college, life, and whatever else their talents may throw at them. The public may not know how special they are. But their principal does.

Powerton is a roleplaying game about original characters with super powers.


premise | rules | faqs | holds | application | cast page | taken pbs and powers

[info]the_editor in [info]oldschoolrp

The Evening Courier - A Newspaper RP

In a world where superpowers and by extension superheroes are new, what do the journalists write about? Set on the west coast between Seattle and Portland, Capitol City is the bustling hub of the west. In the summer of 2010 Capitol City got it's first superhero and since then 'Superheroes' have started popping up in cities across the world. These weren't just everyday people, they had real powers and some of them extremely dangerous. Not everyone is nice and agreeable, there are some out for revenge against those who have crossed them.

There are also a select few who are standing up to fight against newly realized villains. New York has Epsilon, Atlanta has The Gladiator and Capitol City has Young Guardian. Everyday each city is getting it's own vigilante and with people manifesting powers everyday, who else will stand and fight with these few.

The Evening Courier is a game based around a busy and renowned newspaper office. Here you can play a journalist, superhero or a villain. In a city constantly in danger, where will your character be? Writing the front page story, saving the innocent or creating the havoc?



[info]plus28daysmods in [info]oldschoolrp

Plus 28 Days HP RPG

There's a New World Waiting For You
On October 31st, 1999, a group of eco-terrorists released a biological weapon at every major airport in the world. The infected became sick, then violent. Governments across the globe initiated states of emergency. Shelters were protected with Muggle troops and Aurors. The survivors had to wait – 28 days for the infected to die. The world as you knew it is gone. Remote areas are nuclear wastelands. Capital cities host survivors as they rebuild their lives. Governments – both Magical and Muggle – plan for the future of the human race against the backdrop of mysterious attacks.

Plus 28 Days is a plotty, adult HP game set in post-DH currently 1 year after the war. Game time is currently the year 2001. The Marriage Decree has been overturned, Eastern Europe borders remain closed to Magicals and the USA side has now opened for play. On our 1 yr anniversary, the USA was introduced for a Muggle-centric view of their part of the world. We work in world plots once every 3-4 months and are very open to suggestions.
Plus 28 Days has a core group of players who will not be flitting off anytime soon and we welcome the chance to make new friends. We play at a relaxed pace. Game history is easy to catch up on and the mods are extremely helpful.

We have a few spots open and we are also open to friends coming into the game together. Plotting is strongly encouraged but hey, we’re human and we like fun-times smut as well so 18+ please. Plus 28 Days is a laid-back RP environment - the drama is in our plots, not our players, and our world doesn't revolve around the trio - everyone is the "star" of the game.

We are recasting Hermione Granger (due to RL constraints). She has been lightly played and there is little history to catch up on for her. George Weasley is needed to reopen his shop in Diagon Alley!. A Blaise Zabini would have Draco, Theodore, Pansy and Daphne for company. Also up for recasting is Narcissa Malfoy - again lightly played. We're seeking a Lucius Malfoy that closely follows Canon (and who would enjoy being involved in some 'ebil' subplotting).

Game ~ Available & Cast ~ Apply ~ Rules ~ Premise
What will you do in the new world?

[info]tardis_mod in [info]oldschoolrp




Game started January 1, 2011.

game links.





How It Works


Mod Contact

tardis rpg.

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.

This game is like no other. It involves multiple points in time all connected through [info]tardis_net so there are multiple versions of some characters in play. It can be a bit crazy at times but a whole lot of fun!

Each of these points in time are different time streams. This means they are completely separate to each other, so what happens to Post-Meat Ianto doesn't happen to Post-Exit Wounds Ianto. Think of them as alternate realities branching off canon at different points in time, all connected via the TARDIS.

There are opportunities for time travel, for the Doctor to travel to distant planets and have adventures, for the Torchwood crew to deal with the rift and various episode plots, and for characters to visit other time streams via the Time Agents, the TARDIS and the Cardiff rift.

All of the characters listed below are needed by other characters in the game so you'd be assured of instant opportunities to play.

Imagine the possibilities...

desperately wanted.

Doctor Who
Rory Williams
The 10th Doctor
Mickey Smith
Original Torchwood Agents in Pete's World

Jack Harkness
Gwen Cooper
Owen Harper
Toshiko Sato
Rhys Williams
Original Torchwood Agents and Time Agents