July 1st, 2012

[info]caroled in [info]nothernetwork

What is something you always wanted to learn how to do, but never got the chance?

[info]newskin in [info]nothernetwork

Small envelopes slid under the doors of all the current guests. )

[info]captamerica in [info]nothernetwork

Well, a big congratulations to everyone who is expecting!

And a big hello to everyone else. I'm Steve. I've been here for a few days, but I have been focusing since my arrival on getting acclimated to this strange new place. It seems just when I get comfortable, the rug is tugged from under my feet! But we're all making the best of it, I hope.

[info]kitten_king in [info]nothernetwork

If anyone finds a large grey cat asleep in something, would you be kind enough to let me know?

Ser Pounce knows how to open doorknobs, you see, if he decides he's in a mood to move under his own power. He's probably in the least likely place - in a sink, or under a bowl in the kitchen, or inside the pipes in a bathroom or something. I'm very sorry if he bothers anyone, and I promise to be more vigilant about drawing the bolt in my room. (I'm fairly certain he can't reach that.)

[info]queenwhite in [info]nothernetwork

What's the point of a non-alcoholic drink.

[info]13thletter in [info]nothernetwork

This place is utterly boring. And I'm surrounded by idiots.

[info]jenbarber in [info]nothernetwork

Really? Who packed for me? You decided what I needed on my strange vacation was my work clothing?

[info]itsjustgrand in [info]nothernetwork

Sometimes I can't stand the ever loving shit out of people and I wonder why I like running pubs.

[info]loudnproud in [info]nothernetwork

text to sean cassidy )

[info]hawk_eye_view in [info]nothernetwork

Well, turns out we're not being sent back. So, I'm saying fuck it, and I'm going to turn this into a vacation. As others seem to have.

[info]annieadderall in [info]nothernetwork

Bartenders should have a code of ethics, like lawyers and doctors. I'm going to complain to Mr. Copperton.