Jun. 25th, 2012


Oh gods.

I was eating breakfast and Mommy came into the room and then he turned all white and he ran back out of the room and he locked himself in the bathroom and he won't come out!

I don't know what to do!


So, it appears we got ourselves a buncha babies comin! Rahne with three is one thing but Terry having a kid by Madrox? I think it's safe to say there may be multiples of that one if Jamie's power is passed down. Don't know how long we're all gonna be here together like this but supposin' it's a good while... yall know I'm good for any and all babysitting. I got all kinds of experience with the Guthrie clan being as big as it is!

That goes for anyone I haven't met yet that is expectin or gonna be sometime in the future. Rahne, we were gonna throw you a babyshower back on the ship but now I guess we can throw you and Terry one (and Loki? I hear you're expecting somehow so you too!) so if anyone wants to help me set that up, I'd appreciate it.

Jun. 24th, 2012


Collective workers, former workers, wearers of collars both white and blue, members of the lower classes of all times and places and meanings, both proletariat and bourgeoisie, in short, all of us who remain uncrowned by birth and unhallowed by genealogy, UNITE!

We shall gather in the field and discuss our lives, our work, the meaning of our toil. We shall gaze over the garden wall upon the idylls of these idle monarchs, and debate the wastefulness of maintaining an hereditary governing system in the modern era. We shall institute a Parliament and a Guillotine, and I will bring enough red hats for everyone to wear, but you'll have to find your own pitchforks.


Jun. 22nd, 2012


Oi dumbo, where the hell are you?

Not this crap again. Really, I mean who just spirits people away. First a bloody boat and now this. And no Doctor. Well not my Doctor. This is bloody ridiculous.

Don't know about any of you, but I'm getting a really big drink.



Bloody bastard, this has to be his fault. It's always his fault.

Jun. 21st, 2012


Some copperknob gives me a free room and a load of shite at a private resort? Don't be fooled, this is prison.