June 30th, 2012

[info]elektrafied in [info]nothernetwork

It feels weird not being in school and not being able to just go home and do what I want.

[info]eloquenceofthe in [info]nothernetwork

[Filtered away from Rahne]

I get that a woman's body is her own and I would never argue that she has the right to do with it as she wants but... those are my kids too. Don't I get a say in things too? What if Rahne transforms and it does something to them but she can't tell and Doc Blake can't tell either?

I'm worried about them.

[info]afallenking in [info]nothernetwork

Sebastian Shaw, or so I've been told.
I'm not really sure what is going on.

But not only the Inn business. There's a lot.

[info]awkwardfall in [info]nothernetwork


[info]bullshifters in [info]nothernetwork

Does Nick like like me, because that is wierd

[info]alwayslikethis in [info]nothernetwork

Is there a movie theater?

What is your favorite movie?

[info]dorothydreams in [info]nothernetwork

Toto has come back to me. He's not quite the same. I still love him.

Don't touch him.

ooc: think a slightly horrific version of this