Jun. 27th, 2012


it doesnt matter where you are right now
as long as you know who you are right now

where you are today changes who you are tomorrow
and who i am today changes what i was yesterday
my sisters, my brothers, we are not who we were, but we are
all of us

everyone comes together
gathering toward the center
moving inward
(but inward and outward are the same direction in different cycles)
not through, but around
this isn't a place
this is a hole, it is a time
this is a cycle
we are inside it and we are it

now i have joined this cycle

i can't hear the howling yet


She's learning magic.

I am too sober to handle this.


Jun. 26th, 2012


So. I've spent the last few days getting my basic surroundings down, but now I want to really explore.

Is anyone up for an adventure tomorrow? Perhaps a picnic in the fields after climbing the tallest trees we can find in the forest?


I am not a technically a princess nor am I with child. I can drink copious amounts of alcohol but see no reason to do so. It's apparently frowned upon to wield a sword in public.

Basically what I'm asking is: what is there to do for fun around here?