June 24th, 2012

[info]13thletter in [info]nothernetwork

This is a serious waste of my time.

[info]psilent in [info]nothernetwork

Collective workers, former workers, wearers of collars both white and blue, members of the lower classes of all times and places and meanings, both proletariat and bourgeoisie, in short, all of us who remain uncrowned by birth and unhallowed by genealogy, UNITE!

We shall gather in the field and discuss our lives, our work, the meaning of our toil. We shall gaze over the garden wall upon the idylls of these idle monarchs, and debate the wastefulness of maintaining an hereditary governing system in the modern era. We shall institute a Parliament and a Guillotine, and I will bring enough red hats for everyone to wear, but you'll have to find your own pitchforks.


[info]ladylemoncakes in [info]nothernetwork

Collective kings and queens and highborns, I would like to cordially invite you to a dinner.

Rapunzel and Hound and I would very much to have your presence in the garden, where we will discuss our lives. Apparently Mr. Copperpot is in charge but maybe we could be part of his Small council.

Lady Sansa

[info]scotsmanhunter in [info]nothernetwork

voice post

Here slice wren happening sister





under stand my voice