June 23rd, 2012

[info]whiteas_snow in [info]nothernetwork

good day and salutations to fellow guests

i am queen snow white of the kingdom tabor. i have spoken to some of you but perhaps not yet all. after much deliberation and counsel with my guard and that of lord tobias copperton, i have found it to be in my best interest to simply accept this place for what it is. my suspicions still remain that this be nothing more than a realm ruled by the fair folk but regardless if it is or is not it does not change the simple fact that there appears to be no real way of returning to our respective homes, lands, and kingdoms.

as this is not my land to claim i will not make any such claims now or in the future. thus, i will remain a foreign queen in a title alone as a diplomat for tabor. should my services be required or an audience requested i will do my best to uphold the honor of tabor in all my endeavors. it is my pleasure and honor to serve the people of this realm.

queen snow white
house of magnus of tabor

[info]trampled_webs in [info]nothernetwork

So ... like, what the hell am I supposed to be doing? I'm not used to this whole 'relaxing' thing, usually when I get stolen off against my will, I should be escaping to stay alive... or saving someone, or fixing something.

Anyone need the clock on their blu-ray player reset?

[info]nicecardigan in [info]nothernetwork

If this Copperton fella is as friendly as he claims to be, why isn't here getting me shitfaced, hm? In fact, why hasn't anyone directed me to where the alcohol is kept? If I'm not told soon I'm just going to have to start breaking into locked things until I find it.

[info]time_mcfly in [info]nothernetwork



Uh, so uh... I just had the weirdest dream, where I was flying my car... and it crashed into this blue box, and I passed out, now I'm in a tropical bedroom talking through this thing?

... Right, so I'm not dreaming. ... So I hit a blue box.

[info]friendshipgator in [info]nothernetwork

What fresh hell is this?