March 25th, 2011

[info]still_standing in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Angelina and Viktor Krum
Where: Their new house, Hogsmeade
When: Friday evening, after their wedding
What: Coping with marriage
Rating/Status: TBD/Incomplete

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[info]thewickedwitch in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Pansy Parkinson and Gregory Goyle
WHERE: The DADA classroom
WHEN: Friday - all day
WHY: Patronus practicing
RATING: Lots of swearing
STATUS: In progress!

They're going to suck my soul out if you don't help me do this )

[info]perksish in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Sally-Anne and Drew!
WHERE: Their House!
WHEN: Thursday...because I fail.
WHY: Because this thread really needed to happen.
RATING: C for cute? Will change as necessary.
STATUS: In progress!

Um...Drew? )

[info]perksish in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Sally and Rose!
WHERE: Rose's room!
WHEN: Friday afternoon!
WHY: Because Sally-Anne is worried about her best friend!
RATING: Possible language?
STATUS: In progress!

What are friends for? )

[info]cloven in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Corbin Avery and Demelza Robins
WHERE: Divination classroom
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHY: They're engaged, oh my!
RATING: Corbin might be a bit weird?
STATUS: In progress

Warm girls are fantastic. )

[info]darlingmands in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and Kenneth Towler
What: Some kind of random cuteness.
Where: The grounds of Hogwarts.
When: Friday evening.
Rating: PG-13 ish I think.

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