Mar. 15th, 2011


WHO: Greg Goyle and Pansy Parkinson
WHERE: The Slytherin common room
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHY: Caching up, getting drunk, deciding to be crazy
RATING: Language warning
STATUS: In progress!

Where I've been now it's all a blur. What I'm looking for, I'm not sure. )

Mar. 9th, 2011


WHO: Romilda Vane and Greg Goyle
WHERE: History of Magic classroom
WHEN: Tuesday night, 9pm
WHAT: Drinking
RATING: Awkward cuteness!
STATUS: Incomplete

Romilda was nothing if not resourceful. )

Feb. 26th, 2011


WHO: Romilda Vane and Greg Goyle
WHERE: The Great Hall
WHEN: Saturday evening, 7pm
WHAT: A date, oh my goodness!
RATING: Warning for awkwardness, other than that is highly unlikely.
STATUS: In progress

Some wine and pasta with a heavy dose of AWKWARD. )