Mar. 24th, 2011


WHO: Pansy Parkinson and Melinda Bobbin
WHERE: Her bedroom chambers in the Slytherin Dungeon
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHY: Melinda is helping Pansy with her wedding dress
RATING: low i assume.
STATUS: In progress!

if you stick me with that pin one more time, I swear to Salazar I'll kill you )

Mar. 12th, 2011


WHO: Melinda Bobbin and Anthony Goldstein
WHAT: Melinda, who forgot to throw up privacy spells, is caught stretching after dancing
WHEN: March 12
WHERE: Unused Classroom 11
RATING: C is for Contortion!
STATUS: C is also for Complete.


Feb. 28th, 2011


WHO: Marcus Belby and Melinda Bobbin
WHAT: Melinda stumbles upon Belby in yet another of his drunken rages
WHEN: Feb 28, Evening
WHERE: Muggle Studies Classroom
RATING: R, probably, because Marcus has a potty mouth!
STATUS: Incomplete

The room was a mess—desks and chairs were overturned. The reason? Marcus Belby in yet another drunken rage. )

Feb. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Melinda Bobbin and Cormac McLaggen
WHAT: The “Date”
WHEN: February 22, 8:00 PM
WHERE: The Transfiguration Classroom
RATING: Depends on Cormac’s language!
STATUS: In Progress

Melinda didn’t know too much about a one Cormac McLaggen, other than the fact that Romilda Vane, in her journal, had condemned him as a drunkard and added scathingly that he was not husband material. Not that any of it mattered to Melinda--she didn’t plan on holding hands or playing footsies. )

Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and OPEN.
What: Raiding the kitchens.
Where: Kitchens @ Hogwarts.
When: Monday February 21 2007; early afternoon
Rating: PG, I'm sure. It's Mandy.

--- )

Feb. 18th, 2011


Who: Sally-Anne Perks and Open
Where: On the grounds
When: Friday, February 18
Why: Sally-Anne is taking her dog for a walk and clearing her head.
Rating: TBD!
Status: In Progress!

... )