March 18th, 2011

[info]belbyish in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Marcus Belby, Tracey Davis and anyone else.
What: A "party" following their wedding. AKA an excuse to get pissed.
Where: A room near the Great Hall.
When: Wednesday March 16th, Evening, after the ceremony.
Rating: TBD.

tonight we're going to party like it's the end of the world )

[info]darlingmands in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and Morag MacDougal.
What: Chatting, talking wedding plans.
Where: Mandy's shop in Hogsmeade.
When: Friday March 18th; Mid-morning.
Rating: PGish, I think.
Status: Incomplete.

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[info]suzified in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Susan Bones and Percy Weasley.
What: Meeting up and getting to know each other.
Where: The kitchens of Hogwarts.
When: Shortly after this.
Rating: PGish? TBD.
Status: Incomplete.

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[info]itsgregory in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Pansy and Greg
What: A while after finding Narcissa and Rabastan
Where: The DADA classroom
When: Friday night
Rating: PG13 for language at the very least-TBA
Status: In-progress

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