Mar. 25th, 2011


WHO: Pansy Parkinson and Gregory Goyle
WHERE: The DADA classroom
WHEN: Friday - all day
WHY: Patronus practicing
RATING: Lots of swearing
STATUS: In progress!

They're going to suck my soul out if you don't help me do this )

Mar. 18th, 2011


Who: Pansy and Greg
What: A while after finding Narcissa and Rabastan
Where: The DADA classroom
When: Friday night
Rating: PG13 for language at the very least-TBA
Status: In-progress

Read more... )

Mar. 17th, 2011


Who: Greg Goyle and Pansy Parkinson
What: Picking out a house, talking about wedding plans
Where: Meeting outside the Hog's Head and beyond
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG13 for language?
Status: Complete/Closed

What a crazy world )