March 9th, 2011

[info]ex_amatorium507 in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Romilda Vane and Greg Goyle
WHERE: History of Magic classroom
WHEN: Tuesday night, 9pm
WHAT: Drinking
RATING: Awkward cuteness!
STATUS: Incomplete

Romilda was nothing if not resourceful. )

[info]andyriffic in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Andrew Kirke and Sally-Anne Perks
What: Meeting up for drinks and music!
Where: Sally's little restaurant in the Great Hall
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: PG13?
Status: In progress

You won't have any salty tears drowning in your beer, so if you're feeling down, you better just steer clear, 'cause crying ain't what you're gonna hear )

[info]still_standing in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Angelina Weasley, Seamus Finnegan
What: Drunking. Yes. Drunking.
Where: An empty Divination classroom
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: High for language
Status: In progress

Whiskey river, take my mind )