March 17th, 2011

[info]ladyslytherin in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Daphne, Adrian and open to all who want to see this
WHERE: By the Black Lake
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHY: They're getting married
RATING: I am assuming swearing, as usual

a marriage of convenience )

[info]itsgregory in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Greg Goyle and Pansy Parkinson
What: Picking out a house, talking about wedding plans
Where: Meeting outside the Hog's Head and beyond
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG13 for language?
Status: Complete/Closed

What a crazy world )

[info]still_standing in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Angelina Weasley, Viktor Krum
What: Getting to know her fiancé
Where: Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
When: Backdated, Wednesday evening, 5:00
Rating/Status: Not high / incomplete

I want to sift through the ashes of what used to be me )