Mar. 17th, 2011


WHO: Daphne, Adrian and open to all who want to see this
WHERE: By the Black Lake
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHY: They're getting married
RATING: I am assuming swearing, as usual

a marriage of convenience )

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Who: Sally-Anne and Adrian
What: He's drunk, she's not helping.
Where: The North Tower
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD-watch for drunken language.

this wasn't a good idea. )

Feb. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Adrian Pucey and Rabastan Lestrange.
WHAT: Boys hanging out.
WHEN: February 23, I assume.
WHERE: Arithmancy classroom, Rabastan's not-so-secret hideout.
RATING: Caution for language maybe.
STATUS: Complete

It would have to serve as an engagement gift for now. )


WHO: Adrian Pucey and Tracey Davis
WHAT: Adrian is tipsy, Tracey is upset because of Romilda and WAHH WAHH WAHH.
WHEN: February 22, late at night.
WHERE: Their room.
RATING: Caution for language.
STATUS: Complete

Hopefully it was late enough for her to be asleep by now. )

Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Tracey Davis and Adrian Pucey.
What: There's a ring that needs to be given.
Where: Tracey's (and now Adrian's) room.
When: The evening of Monday, February 21st.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

But if he was going to go through with the whole damn thing, he was going to do it right. )


WHO: Rabastan, Cormac, Cyrille, Adrian
WHERE: The empty charms classroom and then to Hogsmeade
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday evening
WHY: To see if Hogsmeade is safe
RATING: caution for language
STATUS: In progress

four men and a mission )

Feb. 18th, 2011


Tracey Davis and Adrian Pucey
Where: Tracey's room inside the Slytherin dungeons.
When: Friday, February 18th.
Why: She invited him, of course.
Rating: Cautioned for prospective language
Status: In Progress!