March 22nd, 2011

[info]piweasley in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Percy Weasley and [Open]
What: Percy is brushing up on offense and defense spells and adding to his repetoire of already-vast spells.
When: Right after the conversation with Umbridge
Where: Library
Rating: Pg-13 for possible language

This paper trail leads right back to you/You say you need to me to step outside/You spend the evening books from boxes/You pass me up so as to not break a promise. )

[info]whiskeyaswater in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Cormac and Alicia
What: Leaning on each other for support
When: Tuesday mid-afternoon.
Where: Gryffindor Tower, bathroom.
Rating: Pg-13 for probable language

Men do not cry. Men do not pout. Men jack you in the feckin' jaw and say...  )

[info]thedailyprophet in [info]nocte_silenti