March 21st, 2011

[info]still_standing in [info]nocte_silenti

Who: Angelina Weasley, Alicia Spinnet
What: Angie wants to know what's up with her friend
Where: Gryffindor tower
When: Monday evening
Rating/Status: Language/incomplete

So many questions, no peace of mind
Worry is free, lord, and I stay worried all the time
But this ain't living - no, it's barely getting by
I'll take it on little by little )

[info]ladyslytherin in [info]nocte_silenti

WHO: Daphne Pucey and Corbin Avery
WHERE: The Entrance Hall
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHY: Because clearly he's insane and shouldn't be alone
RATING: No idea. Swearing most likely.
STATUS: In progress!

she really had no idea anyone could be so fucked up )