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Feb. 22nd, 2011


Life is for the livin', the forgiven, and for leaving town alive

Who: Rogue OTA
What: Heading out to who knows where
When: Tuesday morning
Where: The mansion to start.
Rating: TBD

She had you all belivevin', now she's leavin' for no reason and you're wonderin' why )

Feb. 17th, 2011


Who: Lorna, Open To Magneto, and others who may drop by later
What: Lorna, back in her room, hiding from her headache
When: 2/17/11, Afternoon
Where: Lorna's room
Rating: PG, though subject to change depending on who drops by later

A dark room, an ice pack, pain killers, and still no relief. )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Kitty OTA
What: Call of Duty. Nuff said.
When: Valentine's
Where: All over the place
Rating: This could get messy, folks

It was the evening of Valentine's Day, and what was Kitty doing? Sitting in her room in her pajamas, eating ice cream and getting ready to kill people. You'd think after what had happened at the mansion last month, violence was the last thing she or anyone would want. However, it was Valentine's and she had no date. This succeeded in putting her in the mood for some action.

KillerKitty1138 has signed on.

Kitty slid on her headphones and wireless mic, swallowing the last bit of her large and very fattening brownie sundae. With a wicked smile, she said, "Time to get dirty."

Feb. 13th, 2011


Who: Logan and OTA
What: Returning after going MIA
When: Afternoon
Where: The garage
Rating: TBD

In truth, he had no idea what the hell had happened. It had been weeks since he had been at the school and other than the last two days he spent getting back he didn't remember anything. The last thing he did remember was talking to Kyla and then heading out for the night to clear his head. After that it was just hazy black.

Click )

Feb. 10th, 2011


I will be your ghost of a rose

Who: June OTA
What: Trying to draw the rose she found outside her door.
When: Thursday during lunch
Where: Rec room
Rating: G

A drawing is simply a line going for a walk. )

Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: Forge, OTA
What: There's a new student in town. He is underwhelmed.
When: Saturday late AM.
Where: Mansion foyer, possibly other places nearby
Rating: TBD

So here he was. Freezing his butt off in New England. He had to admit, though, it was better than jail. )

Feb. 3rd, 2011


Oh, sister dear...

Who: Cypher, Scorpion
When: 6pm
What: E-mail updates to Headquarters under the guise of e-mailing sis


Hey. I got to school okay. Thought you should know. How are things at home? I suppose Mom and Dad are still pretending I'm dead or never existed or whatever. Let me know how they're doing, though. Okay?

The school is about what I was promised it would be. Less students though. A lot of them headed home over the winter break and didn't come back it seems... but there are a lot of people who took the cure still here. When it wore off it just sent their powers into a tailspin. I'm being bunked by myself for the moment, but that could change.


Jan. 30th, 2011


Look into my eyes, now you're getting sleepy

Who: Sinister, Husk
Where: Secondary Facilities Kitchen
When: Sunday evening, sometime after dinner
What: Baking, the Cure, and the past life of a certain Doctor

Are you hypnotized, by secrets that you're keeping? )

Jan. 28th, 2011


Just tonight

Who: X-23 OTA
What: Digging around the mansion
When: Friday night
Where: First floor
Rating: PG-13

Here I am and I can’t seem to see straight. I’m too numb to feel right now )

Jan. 25th, 2011


|[ WHO ]| Paige Guthrie & OTA
|[ WHAT ]| Drinking coffee & thinking
|[ WHEN ]| Tuesday, January 25, 2011 | 9:00 AM
|[ WHERE ]| A cafe in town

But... as they said... Rome wasn't built in a day. )

Jan. 23rd, 2011



Who: Kitty OTA
What: Chilling and thinking
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Rec room, secondary facilities
Rating: G to start

Almost a week to the day later, and Kitty was finally well enough for Hank to let her go. Thanks to his quick thinking and unmatched knowledge on just about everything, he'd been able to stabilize her after the poisonous bug mutant had had his way with her. When he ran his talon arm thing through her, he'd missed major organs by just a fraction. His poison got to her quickly, though, and she'd been weakened enough to need monitoring for some time. And there was also the matter of the slow healing scrape across her face, Never before had Kitty really cared too much about what she looked like, but at the moment she almost wished she could go unseen for awhile.

Ororo was on top of getting things repaired at the school; she knew who to call and how quickly things would be done )

Jan. 17th, 2011


First Floor/Outside

The text is the same but the numbers will change )
Take note of the powerful mutants outside because if you step one foot out there, they will mess you up.

Humans: Undetermined
Mutants: 1. Psi-link with physical contact (M, Looks like a walking cornstalk)
2. Obese and rubbery (M, Pink hued skin)
3. Psychic link to nightmares (M, huge head)
4. Empathetic Absorber (M, Clawed fingers)
5. Spirit Magic (M, NPM)
6. Superheating touch (F, NPM)
7. Turns into mist (M, Cloaked)
8. Mind-Clouder (M, NPM)

Jan. 13th, 2011


Who: Molly & Terry
What Molly once more is smoking in the mansion. She can't help that it's sodding cold outside. Awkwardness ensues when Molly realizes she knows of Terry - through Black Tom.
Where Blatant mansion smoking is blatant in the kitchen!
When 1/13/11, 5PM



|[ WHO ]| Paige Guthrie
|[ WHAT ]| Suffering from a little bout of insomnia
|[ WHEN ]| Thursday, January 13, 2001 | 3:00 AM
|[ WHERE ]| Rec Room
|[ RATING ]| PG (could change later on)

To say that Paige Elisabeth Guthrie wasn't the best when it came to sleeping would be an understatement. )

Jan. 7th, 2011


Who: Kitty, Bobby, Paige, Jubilee, Terry, whoever else decides to show up.
What: Bowling and hijinks!
When: Jan. 7, 8pm
Where: Bob's Bowling and Karaoke!

Feeling a little weird, Kitty decided to poke Terry on AIM since she wasn't in the room )

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Who: Kyla et Logan
Where: her room?ish I guess
What: Talking maybe following this.
When: sunday
Warnings: TBD

Kyla hadn't bothered to make herself camouflaged, she wasn't doing anything bad after all so if she was caught she could just admit to her deeds with a smile and a shrug. That and she wasn't actually afraid of Logan, so even if he had seen her delivering the gift it wouldn't have been something to worry about.

She headed back to her room bouncing with each step. )

Dec. 19th, 2010


Who: Lorna and OTA
What: Free for the first time in months, Lorna wanders around NYC
When: Dec 19th, Early afternoon
Where: New York City, NY. Rockefeller Center to be exact.
Rating: PGish? Never know until it's done, so subject to change.

A day of freedom, well enjoyed. )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Who: Deadpool and Threnody
What: Deadpool is engaging a group of pigeon terrorists in the woods when his unit is betrayed by a mole on the inside. The scent of his carcass attracts a lovely young lady to his neck of the woods. Hopefully hilarity ensues.
When: Saturday Morning
Where: The Wooooooooooooods. OOOooOOoOoo Spooooky!
Rating: It's Wade so probably PG-13 to R

'I'm carrying your child!' )


Dec. 17th, 2010



Who: Tabitha Smith and OTA.
What: Tabs blazes in after a month of going AWOL form the X-mansion.
When: 12/17/10 late afternoon.
Where: The front door and onwards?
Rating: pg-13.
Off to see the wizard. )

Dec. 3rd, 2010


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