Oct. 9th, 2009


Who: Emma Frost, Remy LeBeau, Anna Marie, Bekka and Logan
What: Emma shows up on their doorstep, asking about the future (now an AU) and stealing D.N.A
When: Today
Where: Their apartment
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG

Was there no escaping your fate, like the classic Greek writers of tragedy believed? )

Oct. 5th, 2009


Who: Coraline, Nora, Sabertooth, Wolverine, Silverfox...
What: The girls run away but are intercepted!
When: Sunday/Today
Where: Around town.
Status: Closed, Incomplete
Rating: R for language

It was just like being back home where her parents were so consumed with work they never paid her any mind either. )

Sep. 28th, 2009


Who: Kayla and Logan
Where: Logan's place
When: night
What: Kayla's arrival
Rating: Most likely R

Que tu m'aimais encore, C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore. Serais ce possible alors? )

Sep. 21st, 2009


Who: Laura and Logan
What: Laura's arrival/ Father meets daughter
When: evening
Where: Logan's home
Rting: PG
Status: Complete

We wear our scarves just like a noose, but not 'cause we want eternal sleep... )

Sep. 18th, 2009


Who: Coraline and anyone who wants to reply!
What: Abduction!
When: Today
Where: In an alleyway by the police station
Rating: PG-13 for violence?
Status: Incomplete


Sep. 17th, 2009


Who: Logan and dead pool and possibly others
What: a Bitter reunion.
Where: The docks
When: Today.
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete.

Logan was walking the evening streets'  )

Sep. 10th, 2009


Who: Coraline, Logan, Claire and Nora.
What: Play date! And registration for school!
When: (backdated to two days ago) Friday
Where: Coraline's apartment, Claire's house and the local Junior Highschool.
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: G

'Come on, Sasquatch! I got a date!' )


Who: Locked to Emma
What: Needing someone to deliver somthing.
Where: Stark Tower.
When: Sometime at night
Rating: R
Status: Complete.

It was Late at night and Tony stark needed a break. )

Sep. 6th, 2009


Who: Coraline Jones and whomever!
What: Coraline finally ventures outside.
When: Today!
Where: Aquilo Apartment House and outside in London, Ontario.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

Perhaps she had to find another door to go through. Maybe she could ask a cat for directions. )

April 2010




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