Aug. 30th, 2009


Who: Rose Tyler & The Doctor
Where: Starting at Rose's apartment, then who knows.
When: Early evening Thursday, November 13.
What: Finally getting him to say those three little words...Or will he?
Status/Open: Incomplete; Open to Jack, Ianto, & Lacey if they wish to join them later.
Rating: TBA

How much longer do I have to wait? )

Jun. 8th, 2009


Who: The Doctor & Rose Tyler
What: First meeting
Where: Outside Aquilo & in the TARDIS
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG, I assume
Open: To Whoverse


let's set these controls and take off... )


Jan. 18th, 2009


Who? Rose Tyler and The Doctor
When? Tuesday night
Where? Doctor's flat
What? Rose is taking the choice away from him.
Rating? Err... TBD?
Open? No.

She wasn't about to apologize anymore )

Jan. 17th, 2009


Who? Rose Tyler and David Noble
When? Tuesday, afternoon
Where? The cafe
What? Accidental meeting (had to happen sometime!!!)
Rating? TBD

She thought it was him, but yet he looked somewhat different... )

Jan. 11th, 2009


Who? Rose Tyler and Martha Jones
When? Tuesday, mid-afternoon
Where? diner
What? Rose doesn't know that Martha already knows who she is, but Rose suspects that they have some common threads.
Rating? Low, PGish

Say hello to the girl that I am )

Jan. 7th, 2009


Who? The Doctor & Rose Tyler.
Where? Oriens 101.
When? About 2am.
What? Rose has had a nigthmare, and needs to ask the Doctor some questions about her future.

Why can't you be honest with me? I feel like you've been hiding things from me since we met here. )

Nov. 10th, 2008


Who? Rose and the Doctor
When? 9/23, mid-day
Where? Rose's flat
What? Rose has a cold and needs a Doctor! hee
Rating? PG-ish, I'm sure

She was acting silly )

Oct. 25th, 2008


Who? Rose and The Doctor
When? 9/21, mid-morning
Where? Doctor's flat (to start)
What? Rose is ready to talk
Rating? TBD

Can I just say, traveling with you... I love it )

Oct. 19th, 2008


Who? Rose and Belle/Hannah
When? Morning, Sept. 20
Where? Their flat
What? It's time the "twins" come face-to-face. But, how will they react?
Rating? TBD

Hope you don't mind, I finally got this thread posted!!!! )

Sep. 25th, 2008


Who? Rose and The Doctor
When? Sept. 17th, morning
Where? Walking down the street from her flat
What? Because, it's about damned time everyone sees just how messed up these two really are!!! Seriously though, Rose is from a different point in time then the Doctor, basically before he looks the way he does (we'll explain as we go along for those who don't know Doctor Who, promise!)
Rating? PG-ish

Time Lords have this little trick, it's sort of a way of cheating death, except, it means I'm gonna change. )

Sep. 17th, 2008


Who? Rose Tyler and Will Turner
When? evening
Where? outside then Starbucks
What? They've both lose people they care about
Rating? Low for sure

I'm looking for a blonde in a Union Jack )

Sep. 15th, 2008


Who? Rose and OTA
When? Sept. 15 - mid afternoon
Where? outside her apartment
What? Rose wakes up, and she's not in the TARDIS
Rating? TBD

Was it time to panic? )

April 2010




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