Jul. 13th, 2009


Who: Luna and Susan
Where: Pub near the Flats
When: Afternoon
Why: An outing for tea and catching up
Open: Nope
Rating: TBA for now

Luna had gotten a table along with a menu, all that was needed was for Susan. She had left a note on the journals about a catch up session over tea and hoped her old friend would be along soon. "Given this place especially" she mused as little plastic radishes swung from her ears. Her wand meanwhile was acting as a fashion piece, currently in her hair and looking like a chopstick to nosy muggles.

May. 28th, 2009


Who: Bruce Wayne OTA Mundus transplants
What: Black Tie Formal
Where: Wayne Manor
When: October 25, 7 PM till
Status: Open/Threaded

Bruce gave a final walk through the place, making certain that the appropriate doors were closed, conferring with the caterers and decorators. It would have been more difficult if it hadn't been for Rachel helping, and he'd have to make certain to let her know later. Certain that everything was in order, he opened the front doors, waiting the guests to arrive.

May. 4th, 2009


Who: Sookie Stackhouse and OTA
What: Wandering the streets of London
When: Afternoon
Where: Near Sookie's apartment in Aquilo
Open: Anyone who dares

Hé, bébé, oublie-moi pas, chère//Et les misères toi t’es après faire avec moi//Hé, catin, un jour à venir, chère//Tu voudras t’en revenir découragée )

Apr. 14th, 2009


Who: Luna Lovegood
Where: Aquilo 104
When: October 15th
Why: Luna Gets Curious about the People she's Living With
Open: Sawyer, Martha and Logan Echolls
Rating: TBD

This is Quite Curious! )

Mar. 23rd, 2009


Who: Luna Lovegood and Open
What: Maybe a Job?
When: October 10th, 2008
Where: Somewhere in the area
Rating: PG-13 tops

Paint or Copy Editing? )

Mar. 4th, 2009


Who: Luna Lovegood and Lucy Van Pelt
What: Quirky meets Shrink
When: October 7th, 2008
Where: Somewhere near Aquilo
Rating: PG-13 tops

Radish Jewely Anyone? )

Feb. 25th, 2009


Who: Luna Lovegood (open to HP friends, Martha Jones, Angel and Sawyer)
What: "Where Am I?"
When: Monday October 7th, 2008, evening
Where: Aquilo 104
Rating: PG-13 tops (this is Luna after all)

Spell Must Have Backfired )

April 2010




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