Apr. 9th, 2009


Who: The Doctor, Donna Noble and Martha Jones
What: He's found the TARDIS and they're going to see if she'll fly
Rating: PG, I assume
Open: To Whoverse

Apr. 6th, 2009


Who: Gwen Cooper and Open to Who-verse
Where: Somewhere in the District and Stumbles Upon the TARDIS
When: October 13th
Why: Gwen's misery kicks into overdrive
Open: To Who-vians
Rating: TBD

Now What? )

Mar. 15th, 2009


Who: Donna Noble and Laurie Juspeczyk
What: Meeting
Where: A diner or other food place
When: October 9, 2008; noonish
Rating: as yet unknown; probably nothing high

at the start of everything )


Who: Donna Noble and Gwen Cooper
What: Meeting
Where: A park
When: October 9, 2008; morning
Rating: as yet unknown; probably nothing high

and all shall fade, the flowers of spring )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Who: The Doctor & Donna
What: Waking up and wandering about with his 3D glasses
When: About noon
Where: Outside Oriens
Open: Yes; to DW/TW
Rating: PG

Yeah? Well I'm the Lord of Time )

Feb. 5th, 2009


Who: Donna Noble and suitemates (join in as you see fit!)
What: Dream!day is a very dangerous day (dream thread)
Where: Infra 103
When: Mid-morning
Rating: PG-13, at least; Donna's hostile

if you want to dream a dream )

Jan. 28th, 2009


Who: Bruce and ???
Where: Wayne Enterprise
When: Afternoon
Why: Bruce interviews new positions.

Mr Wayne will see you now. )

[ooc - feel free to start new threads for each interview. couple secretaries, tech type, basically anyone he could use]

Jan. 25th, 2009


Who: Fox Mulder and Donna Noble
What: Testing the theory that vodka works miracles
Where: Infra 101
When: 3 October (not backwards), late afternoon, which in backwards time would be early morning
Rating: TBD - there's alcohol involved, you never know what chaos may ensue

blasted backwards-moving sun )

Jan. 21st, 2009


Who: Ed with cameo by Ein the dog
What: Exploring and Taking Ein for a Walk
When: Thursday October 3rd (non backwards)
Where: Exploring the Area
Open: Very, Ein's very friendly too!
Rating: PG-13 tops, this is Ed after all.

Staring next week, Ed will be on the scene! )

Jan. 18th, 2009


Who: Maggie simpson&OTA!
Where: around town
When: round 11ish?
Why: because?
Open: yes!
Rating: TBA for now

takea pic!do a blog!heroes are over with )

Jan. 13th, 2009


Who: Donna Noble and David...Noble!
What: Meeting since the last time they saw each other
Where: An intersection, presumably
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG

tall and almost gangly )

Jan. 11th, 2009


Who: Martha Jones and Donna Noble
Where: Starting in Infra lobby, moving to coffee place
When: Morningish
Why: Donna needs Martha's help adjusting
Rating: We'll go with PG

first day jitters )

April 2010




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