Morningstar Manor

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Posts Tagged: 'alec'

Aug. 14th, 2009


Various, Late Afternoon, Multipup

On the way home Cleo had called to say she was missing some crucial ingredient - some kind of spice Jazz had never even heard of - for the dinner she was making and was going out to find some. So, seeing as how the apartment would be empty anyway, Jazz turned into the Mocha upon returning back to the Manor and settled herself near the window, enjoying a cup of something frothy and picking at a muffin.


Mommy had mentioned wanting to check out the new spa, so today Alec provided, changing into a pair of board shorts and a cut off shirt - his scar was well and hidden, but the black edges of the tattoo on his chest could be seen. After gathering up some necessities and his son, he headed up to the roof.

He set down several thick and fluffy towels on a lounger and a diaper bag, then went to sit on the steps in the shallow end of the pool, holding Gavin in his lap. The boy squealed and splashed, making Alec smile as the sound echoed through the pool house.


Riley was in the hallway off the ballroom, pausing on his way back from the bathroom, frowning at his reflection in the funny gilded mirror there. He had some, stupid, dinner party thing tonight and his bow tie was refusing to cooperate.

Aug. 5th, 2009


Niles, Wednesday afternoon, the Mocha. OTA and MW!

He was feeling like himself again for the first time in a week or two. It might have something to do with the fact that he'd finally managed to get some sleep last night. Long, deep sleep that hadn't involved dreams or visions or voices that he shouldn't be hearing.
It was nice.
To celebrate he'd trimmed the stubble on his face but hadn't shaved, put on a deep v-neck grey t-shirt and a pair of low-slung black shorts, and decided to get himself a cup of coffee and fuck yes, a cinnamon roll. He'd be thirty-two on Friday. Might as well get himself a little birthday treat, right?
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Mailroom, Afternoon, Alec, Gavin and OTA

Sscrunch, sscrunch, sscrunch - the tell-tale sound of diapered movement.

Faith whined and Alec looked up from the envelope in his hand just in time to see his son disappear around the sorting counter. This wasn't the first time this had happened so Alec knew enough now to go around the opposite way, meeting Gavin at the end, rather than trying to chase him.

Gavin popped around the end of the counter, intent on the door, saw Alec and gave a mighty holler. He tried quick to turn back and keep crawling away but Alec was prepared for that too and swooped down, scooping the squirming child up.

"One of these times somebody's gonna come in and step on you," Alec warned as Gavin wriggled in his arms and braced himself on Alec's chest, reaching with one hand to pull on Alec's necklace, momentarily distracted by the shiny bit of metal. "Or bonk you on the noggin with the door and then, trust me, you won't be happy."

Gavin just looked at him, tugging on the chain and huffing out a breath.
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Jul. 27th, 2009


Various, Afternoon, Multi-pup and OTA

New stock day at Micheal's Bros. and Jazz was carefully overseeing the setup of a small collection of pieces from a little known designer into the main display case and trying to ignore the way one delicate, multi-stranded necklace seemed to call her name.


Today was scheduled to be a long, full day of court testimony, but for the moment things were in recess and Joe was sitting at the little coffee shop in Vine Square, enjoying a cup of dark coffee and an egg salad sandwich. A neatly folded newspaper, open to the crossword, was beside him, but he was looking out across the square. People watching.


Riley had gotten a surprise at work today. Today marked the second time he'd been included on the cover of Soap Opera Digest. Now he sat in the Mocha, flipping through the mini-magazine, trying to figure out he couldn't have known about this.


For Alec, today was pretty much like any other and per his usual, he was out in the gardens. Stretched out in the prickly grass he was keeping a watchful eye on Gavin and Faith as they played together. Gavin crawled around and over the golden canine, laughing like mad, while Faith twisted her head around, trying to lick his ears.

OOC: I've got a job interview to get ready for, and to go to, so I'll probably be slow to respond, but by all means, leave me something good. ;) I'll reply as soon as I'm able.

Jul. 14th, 2009



Apt 8160, Dinnertime, Ang, Alec, Emma, Gavin, Dogs, Closed.

Emma was having a so so day, some nice gifts, some not so nice gifts. She'd had a while to think about it, but still didn't regret the weekend, other than for the pain it seemed to be causing for Niles. She was going to have to do something about that, it wasn't fair. But for now, she knocked on the door for Apt 8160 and waited for the door to open.

Ang heard the knocking, and so did Faith apparently as she trotted down the hallway barking happily, Ang was already moving though, so she opened the door, "Emma!" Ang grinned, "Come in, Happy Birthday!"

Lily came in and sniffed at Faith, Faith sniffing right back, before they headed off together to play something not too like rough and tumble Ang hoped. "Alec, Emma's here!"

For a not so comfy family birthday dinner )
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Jul. 13th, 2009


About and Out, Late Afternoon, Alec

Alec wasn't sure what he'd been thinking, going into the Mocha like that given the bombshell Emma had nonchalantly dropped at Sunday dinner. Of course it would be all over by now; gossip was like blood in this building. Constantly flowing. But somehow it still caught him by surprise, hearing Emma's name hissed in whispers by complete strangers.

Joy had even dropped several hints that the man in question, Niles SomethingOrOther, had recently passed through and gone out to the garden. Alec wasn't sure she could have been more obviously looking for a fight than if she'd been selling tickets while pouring his coffee.

But he'd already gone around with Ang over it more than once and her stance on the subject meant he stood to lose his wife as well as Emma if he said anything...harsh. So he grit his teeth and left Joy disappointed, leading Faith resolutely away from the doors to the gardens and out through the lobby instead.

Riverwalk Park was bound to be a safer bet.

Jun. 25th, 2009


Apt. #113, Afternoon, Alec

Ang had been talking about Emma a lot lately. About Emma growing up, and going out, and meeting boys...For the most part of Alec tried not to think about it. To him, Emma was a mixture of little sister and daughter. He didn't want to know the details of her crushes, or dates, or anything else like that. So long as she was safe, that's he needed.

But, Ang did make one good point. The old intercom, so practical years ago, now could be more of hindrance than a help. Emma would be 19 soon, and it was probably time give her more privacy.

So after checking that Emma was out (he was willing to give her some privacy, yes, but thought it would be more fun if he kept the source of his mysterious insider information a secret), Alec headed downstairs and let himself into Ang's former apartment.

It was easier to remove the equipment than put it in and before too long he was leaving again, the little black phone add-ons tucked into a plastic bag he'd taken from the kitchen.

Jun. 21st, 2009



Apt 8160, Morning, Ang and Alec, Closed.

Ang had been up early this morning, and treated Alec to an unexpected (perhaps) but very welcome dose of pre-breakfast marital activity. Well, getting Alec to sleep in otherwise was very nearly impossible. However, since then she'd made his favourite breakfast, and set it out with a small gift and a card from Gavin. Then fetched the baby himself and made sure he was fed and cleaned, and happy before they both headed back to see if Alec was getting up or had already moved.

Aha! It had worked, he was still in bed! She grinned, "Good morning Daddy, someone wants to say hello, can we come snuggle?"
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Jun. 8th, 2009



Apt 8160, Evening, Ang and Alec, Closed.

Ang had cooked a quiet dinner, just the two of them and baby Gavin, and settled down afterwards to watch the baseball with Alec, sometimes, keeping quiet about a birthday was the best way to have it pass un-noticed. Besides, this years was nothing special, but next year, well, that would need a party or something to commemorate it, the big four oh! Dear lord she was getting old!

But still it was a little, well, disheartening, that apart from a birthday and gift card from Emma for one of her favourite little lingerie stores, there didn't seem to have been anything else. Still, she had more gifts than she could think of in her life right now, it didn't do to be greedy. If you got too wrapped up in acquisition, you could lose sight of the more precious gifts that you had in your life, like family. Nonetheless, she settled on the sofa with a cup of tea, wondering if perhaps in the interests of a peaceful life she should just, keep quiet?
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May. 31st, 2009



Apt 8160, Sunday Dinner, Ang, Alec, Emma. Closed.

Ang was dishing up at just gone one, when the knock came at the door. Inwardly she breathed a sigh of relief, Emma hadn't forgotten. Then she continued to dish up, trusting Alec would open the door. Then came the moments of confusion, where everyone, and two dogs, seemed to be in the kitchen and talking at once. At least, until Gavin was settled into his seat, and everyone else was sat down, cutlery in hand and busy eating.

Only then did Ang really smile, her family around her, a good meal on the table, and for a moment, all was right in the world. "So, did college finish alright Emma? Get the grades you wanted?"

Emma looked up, and swallowed her mouthful, "Mmm, oh yes, straight A's across the board. A Plus in some classes." She grinned, then chuckled, "Does that pass muster with you guys? Or do I have to try harder next year? If it helps, my drawing professor thinks I can do better, but she could only give me an A plus, merits and distinctions come later? My math tutor was not so impressed, I only got an A in that."
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May. 5th, 2009



Apt 8160, Evening, Ang and Alec, Closed.

Ang was smiling, sitting quietly in her favourite seat on the sofa, half concentrating on a cross stitch and half watching Alec playing with Gavin. She couldn't decide quite whether to give up entirely on the cross stitch or whether she should stuff one hand in her mouth to stop her from laughing.

Of course, then she thought about Emma, and the laughter stopped in her head, so she put the cross stitch down and picked up her tea to take a sip. Of course, then Gavin laughed again and Ang found herself smiling, so what if Emma was wearing tight jeans, she was eighteen now, nearly nineteen in fact, and she could wear pretty much what she liked. Of course, she knew Alec wouldn't see it that way.
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Apr. 25th, 2009



Apt 8160, Evening, Ang and Alec, Closed.

Ang had been walking the floor with a crotchety Gavin for several hours, he wouldn't feed, he was sicking up, and they were both exhausted because this had been going on for several days now. The doctor had reassured her and Alec that it was nothing serious, just Gavin had a minor viral infection, and was probably cutting a tooth at the same time. Right now though, he was actually feeding, and Ang was settled into the rocker in the nursery, more than half asleep.

She looked up as Alec came in, he was just as tired as she was, at least she figured he had to be, because every time she'd been awake he'd been there. "You ok hun?" She whispered quietly, unwilling to disturb the finally almost asleep nightmare of a child in her arms, "I think, he might be over the worst of it now?"
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Apr. 12th, 2009


Various, Evening, Multi-pup (closed)

The Reyes-Brooks clan settled in at the massive table at apartment 8160-after they'd pried Emma off her books-to a hearty meal containing all the favorites. Per usual, Ang had gone overboard with the cooking, but after Gavin mashed several fist fulls of mashed potatoes into his hair it was agreed that all the extra effort had probably been a good idea.


After spending the morning working a shift that served the dual purpose of keeping her abreast of the news regarding the Mr. Michaels situation and keeping her out of her apartment while Jane would be cleaning, Jazz came home to her empty apartment with a bag of takeout and curled up on her couch. With the TV on, filling the quiet spaces with noise, she could almost believe she wasn't feeling particularly lonely.


He called his mother like always, listening like the good son while she gushed over the flowers that had he had had sent to her. But in the back of his mind, while he packed for the trip he'd be leaving for the very next morning, Adam was thinking about the other women in his life and how boring things were without them around. And how very much he was going to miss them when he left.


Absorbed with a new pet project, building a model replica of the U.S.S Constitution (a Christmas gift from Adam) Joe didn't stop to think about even everyday trivial things such as eating, let alone to stop to consider what significance this one particular Sunday might have.

(OOC: Meanwhile Mun is enjoying good food with great family and hoping Easter-or just Sunday for those who don't celebrate :)-is finding you just as well!)

Feb. 27th, 2009


Emily's birthday party in 7134, 7PM and onwards

Just before seven the birthday girl herself opened her apartment door and put up a sign on it saying,

but watch out for the cat

and a silly childish drawing of a cat on the side.

That was the last thing on the to-do list - everything was ready now for the party. The apartment was mostly lit with lots of candles in colorful small lanterns, there was a music mix with a big variety playing on the backround, and a separate cook in the kitchen. Yes - today Emily was dressed up properly to celebrate the big 30, and young Lucas also from La Fee with his tattooed arms and black clothes and an angry brow was taking care of the catering. He had done a spledid job - though it was no brainer that Emily had obviously helped and bossed the poor boy around. Like promised in the invitation, there was food enough to make a full four-course menu dinner for the guests, but served in a buffet in the kitchen.

More than that, there was also drinks. Emily kept an eye on the 19-year-old cook since the wines were stored in the kitchen - especially when his uncle was working and not attending the party, she needed to keep the young man in check.

When the first knock on the door sounded, Emily in her skirt and stylish blouse went to open it and welcomed her friends in.

[[OOC: Party post! Everyone welcome who thinks they should be here - Emily sent out the invites rather generously, so pop in if you feel like it. Mingle!]]

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Mocha, Late Afternoon, Alec, Gavin and OTA (MW)

While Mommy tried her hand at a nap between lunch and dinner, father, son and dog headed downstairs to insure she'd get some peace and quiet.

For the benefit of the dog they started outside in the garden, but Alec was antsy about Gavin getting cold so before long they'd drifted back inside, settling at a table in the warmth of the Mocha. There, Faith hunted for crumbs under the table and Alec got to watch in wonder as Joy paused to coo at the baby during a refill trip.

Appeared she might be human after all...,who knew?
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Feb. 10th, 2009


Apt. 8160, Late Afternoon, Alec, Ang, and the Sprog

"He needs a name," Alec was saying as he and Ang stood shoulder to shoulder at the kitchen sink. "We can't just keeping calling him 'the baby.'"

In the warm water filled basin, held securely in his father's arms, the baby blinked up at them in a rare, between nap, moment of lucidness while Ang gently washed him off with a soft terry cloth.

"Unless you want him to endure 'nobody puts Baby in a corner' jokes for the rest of his life, of course."
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Feb. 8th, 2009



mid Afternoon, the Lobby, Ang, Baby Reyes, Alec, and OTA/MW

The black car pulled up in front of the Manor's main entrance, and Alec jumped out to run round and open a back door. Ang had already unbuckled her seat belt, and unhooked the baby from his seat. Now, she turned towards the open door and smiled, "Oh Alec, am I glad to be out of that hospital, I can't believe how terribly uptight they all were."

She handed over the baby and then clambered out of the car with some difficulty, "I think I might wait in the lobby for you, is that OK? I don't think I want to try and make it home on my own just yet."

"Sure," Alec said as he handed the baby back and then closed the car door, "I'll get you settled and go park the car, you stay right where I leave you OK?"

"Of course Alec, we'll stay sat down all the time, won't we my little man?" Ang replied, as Alec steered her across the sidewalk and through the doors held open by the grinning doorman. She grinned back and then let Alec seat her carefully on a chair. "You go park the car, we'll be right here, honest."

Ang was chuckling, even as Alec frowned slightly at her, before he left at a fast walk to move the car. She had no intention of moving, and figuring that she wouldn't need to move. Most of the Manor would probably come to them once someone noticed they were here.
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Feb. 6th, 2009



Early Evening, St Martin's Hospital Maternity Wing, Ang and Alec, Closed.

The pain might have been intense, but, as she held out her arms for the crying bundle, there wasn't even a vague memory of the pain left. All there was was sheer joy, enough to make tears fill her eyes and trickle gently down her face, as she stared at the tiny little man in her arms. He looked just like his father, and Ang smiled as he looked up at her, and seeming to recognise the rhythm of her heart beat, he settled down, stopping the crying and blinking at her almost dazedly. "Hello my son, welcome to the world."

Alec had been there for the pain, brushing back sweaty hair from her face, silently allowing her to squeeze and hold his hand through the worst, but now he was standing back, hanging on the edges. Mainly to be out of the way, from the moment of birth to the passing of the little life to Ang had been rather chaotic, partly because he was afraid. He was keenly aware of the fact that his life had just suddenly, irreversibly, changed forever... and he didn't know what do next.

He saw Ang whispering to the little blue wrapped bundle, he twisted the silver band on his finger anxiously. A nurse smiled and waved him closer, he chewed his lip nervously.

Ang looked up, and adjusting her hold of the baby reached out one hand towards Alec. "Oh love, you look terrified, don't you want to hold him?"

She shifted slightly in the bed, wanting a hug, and feeling uncomfortable and damp where the sheets, and her clothes, needed changing, but her smile was warm and loving, "He won't bite, I promise."

Read more... )
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Feb. 5th, 2009



Apt 8160, Evening, Ang and Alec, Closed.

Ang was settling down in the evening, tired after what felt like a long day. A little cranky from being uncomfortably large and unwieldy, ok, clumsy, but more comfortable now she had a hot cup of tea, her feet up, and a blanket over her legs. "Mmmm," she hummed with a smile as Alec settled on the sofa next to her and gently pulled her in close, "I have no idea why I'm so sluggish tonight, I just feel completely drained. Would you mind awfully if I just, fell asleep?"

Alec snorted a little, "You feeling alright? Normally you don't ask first, you just do."

Ang chuckled, leaning her head against his shoulder and looking up slightly, "I know, I'm sorry hun, but," she paused, her eyes widening slightly as her belly rippled under her hand, "oh gods, that hurt." Her hand, holding the tea, was shaking slightly, and she was hoping that it was just a random Braxton Hicks contraction. She wasn't ready for this. Oh, it couldn't be time already could it????

"What?" Alec's eyes narrowed slightly in concern, "Another one of those practice contraction things? Let me take that tea, before you spill it?" He reached for the tea, taking it from her and leaning across her slightly to set it on the side table. He felt the next one, heard Ang's gasp as the muscles contracted strongly in her stomach. "Ang?"

Read more... )
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Jan. 29th, 2009



Early Hours, Apt 8160, Ang and Alec, closed

Ang woke up suddenly, a sharp pain jolting her into full awareness. Her bladder protested that now she was awake, it needed emptying, so with a small and very quiet sigh, she slipped out of bed and down to the bathroom. Before she even got there another sharp pain had her reaching for the wall and almost doubling over. A silent gasp of shock, and then the pain was gone, leaving her slightly breathless and wide eyed. She continued onto the bathroom, a little nervously in case it happened again, but it didn't.

Read more... )
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