Posts Tagged: 'backstory'

Jul. 17th, 2009



Backstory - Tristan and Allie's rooftop dinner - 7.17.2004

Tristan had pulled as many strings as he could to make tonight perfect. He'd gone ahead and rigged the door for the roof so they could get back in and trekked up with numerous armloads of things. First the small cafe table and then the chairs, white lace tablecloth, candles, beautiful white dishes... He'd even managed to get some of those white Christmas lights and put those around the highest points of the roof. Sure it didn't illuminate much, but they were there and that counted, right? He checked the time on his phone again, then made sure the radio worked right and opened the wine. She should be home now, hopefully following his note.
The note says... )

Summary: Tristan sets up dinner under the stars for live in girlfriend Allie. They eat, they dance, they return to their apartment for faded into schmooping