Posts Tagged: 'jessica'

Oct. 31st, 2008


Various, Throughout the Day, Closed

An hour before her shift started, Jazz disappeared into the woman's bathroom. With fifteen minutes to spare "Esteban" exited. Shooting a cheeky grin at the female customer who blinked and sputtered, "he" marched for the jewelery department.

Without even a single swish of "his" hips.


There were rules against costumes-maintaining integrity or some shit like that-but they found ways around it.

One of the guys at the north gate had made himself a rather fetching devil's tail that was only visible from the back...Another had found a set of bug-eye goggles that were easily removed in the event of an approaching officer.

Adam himself had sprung for a set of fangs. Meant he had to be careful who he smiled at, but it was worth the looks he got.


With no Manor ball to worry about, The Reyes opted for a quiet night in. Alec prepped bowls of various Halloween goodies while Ang poured glasses of cider. Emma turned up with popcorn (and the boy).

Together they set up camp in the living room, the tv turned to any scary movie on offer.


Alone in his office, Joe fussed over the pullout. He could have slept upstairs in the provided bunks, but that was all but encouraging Halloween pranksters.

He had enough to worry about without adding fears of shaving cream and warm water. Idly, he touched the cell phone in his pocket, almost like were some sort of comforting talisman. Thus for it had remained silent.

He could only hope that it would stay that way.


The garden was still and quiet. The mysterious singer, for the first time in some while, absent at her post.

Somehow, that seemed more ominous than comforting....

Oct. 9th, 2008


Gardens(ish), Night, Jessica, Jazz and OTA

She'd been so close. Twice now. The woman had been within her grasp...the man, well, perhaps he was just smarter than she had been.

Irregardless, it didn't matter. She would win in the end. She always did.


She had work to do, but Spencer had suggested that they might again tomorrow, so she wasn't worrying about it. Taking a break every now and again wouldn't kill her.

Outside of the lessons she had, it had been awhile since she'd danced. Just danced. For her own enjoyment, so that's what she was doing. Or at least, had been doing until she'd heard something vague...indistinct coming from the gardens. Sounded like music.

Even weirder, she could have sworn it was A La Nanita Nana. Who here would be singing that?

She hovered, curious, inside the ballroom door to the garden, head cocked, brow furrowed. Listening.

Who was that?
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Sep. 25th, 2008


Gardens, Night, Jessica and OTA

The bodiless voice was back, music drifting through the gardens.

She'd failed before, but her time was fast approaching. The gathering energy added power to her voice, made it louder, more insistent. Her singing could be heard from all corners of the gardens now, reaching out like a lure, ready to reel in any little fish she hooked.

I'll take thee away....
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