Morningstar Manor

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Posts Tagged: 'brendan'

Mar. 3rd, 2010



Lobby, late morning, Brendan OTA

He had carried down the baggage and was waiting for a] Zack and b] their lift to the airport.

While he waited he looked around the lobby of the Manor and went back over some old memories.
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Feb. 24th, 2010


Mocha; Evening; Multipup OTA and MW

Zack was beginning to feel a bit better. It had been very touch and go for a while and if Brendan hadn't been staying with him he might well have ended up in the hospital. But he'd gotten through what he hoped was the worst and now actually felt up to going down to the Mocha for a coffee and to nibble on a muffin.

He looked pale, small in his oversized hoodie and scarf. He'd lost weight and that didn't help matters and his eyes had dark shadows under them but they twinkled again now and his smile, though tired, was genuine.

He sat curled on one of the couches near the fireplace and answered an email from his iPhone while he waited for Brendan to come back with their coffee.


Gabe had had a grand time with the photoshoot but he was glad it was done. Lewis, bless him, was a dear and lord knew Gabe had had a fine time with a few of the models but he could only handle them all for so long was thankful he had his and Kris's apartment to themselves again.

Sitting at a table he chuckled as he replied to a text to one a friend. Oh the gossip that had come from that shoot!


Eris sat at a table, sipping a white chocolate mocha and looking through various brochures on various tropical places. Money wasn't a problem and she knew Daddy would keep her apartment open for her so how long to be gone wasn't an issue either.

The only question was where to go?


Loki was sprawled in one of the overstuffed arm chairs, legs dangling over one arm and head dangling over the other, bright red hair nearly touching the floor. His eyes were closed, headphones stuck in his ears and playing something with a low bass loud enough to be heard by passers by.


Max was headed to Sanctuary but he had a bit of time yet so stopped into the Mocha for a coffee and found himself an empty table to enjoy it at as he flipped through a newspaper someone else had left.

Feb. 1st, 2010



Mocha, afternoon, various pups

Del, at a loose end, lounged on one of the couches reading a novel in Spanish and sipping iced coffee and dreaming of white beaches, brilliant sunshine and girls in hardly anything at all. Winter - he hated it. Not that he wanted to go anywhere - his job for De Rossi was still fun - but some sun would be nice.


Brendan had come down to buy a bag of coffee beans because, while Zack was still too poorly to drink much of it, Brendan needed the bursts of caffeine to keep him going. He thought the crisis was past, thank God, but Zack didn't seem to be improving quickly. Between tiredness and worry Brendan needed all the help he could get.


Andy had come home from work early with a crashing headache and a general down on the entire world. It was just one of those days and she didn't much care who knew it. With her aching forehead propped on his fist, she flipped through a copy of Smashing that someone had left there and thought snide things about the glamour pusses within.


Finally Allan breezed in to the Mocha with his duffle bag on his shoulder, having dumped the rest of his luggage on a trolley in the lobby. Someone from maintenance would be along to help him move in just now, he had been assured. Meantime - coffee!

Nov. 6th, 2009


Afternoon; Vine Square; Zack andOTA

He'd gotten a good deal done at work today but had had to leave early for a doctor's appointment. That hadn't gone quite as well as he'd have liked but it could have been worse as well. He'd picked up his new medication and then headed to an alley in the Square to pick up his 'other' medication.

"I'm tellin' ya, man, this stuff is the shit." The thin man looked around nervously then looked back at Zack. "And totally legal, man."

"If it's legal why are you jumpy?" Zack asked, hands tucked into his coat pockets and huddled a bit against the cold.

"Well it ain't the only thing I'm carryin' you know," the man said with a glare. "You've got a prescription for the weed but you come get it from me anyway."

"Yours is better."

"Well this shit is better than that. You've had the tea right?"

Zack nodded. "Yeah." And he had to admit it had made him feel better.

"Well this is more potent." The dealer pulled a baggy out of his pocket to show Zack for a moment then hid it again. "You'll feel fantastic, man. Tons of energy. And if that's not good enough - it enhances sex like you wouldn't believe."

Zack raised a brow then sighed and dug into his pocket for the wad of bills he had there. "Okay just give me the usual and a bag of the Chai then," he said, giving in.

Deal done Zack tucked his score into his messenger bag and headed back down the alley for the Square. A cup of coffee in the sunshine would be good then he'd head home.
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May. 15th, 2009



Green Bean coffee shop, Foundry Market, Lunchtime, Zack and Brendan.

Since Brendan's lunch break was by far the shorter, it had been agreed that Zack would come to him, rather than that they would meet half way.

Brendan looked at his watch, handed over his float to the next stall holder - Brendan had covered for her while she lunched earlier - and strolled across to the coffee shop and looked around, wondering if Zack was already there.

Problem was, it was easier for him to hide than it was for Brendan.
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Feb. 6th, 2009



Apt 14249, Housewarming Party, OTA

Nia was well aware that something exciting was going to happen so had refused to go to bed. Knuckling her eyes she sat on the couch in her nightie and sang to herself while Charlie made the final preparations for the party.

Deacon came into the room, straightening his shirt, and smiled to see the sleepy little girl. Nia held up her arms and he picked her up and settled her against his shoulder then strolled into the kitchen to get her bedtime drink.

Charlie smiled at them, patting Nia's back, and bobbed up to kiss Deacon before grinning and going to let their guests in.

Jan. 12th, 2009



Andras calling Brendan, Monday afternoon

Somehow, the jeans were too tight today.

Andras felt his iPhone in the right back pocket the entire time he was walking through the City.

And it reminded him, the entire time, that there was Brendan's number on it, and that he meant to call him.

At four in the afternoon, he had enough, got out the phone, found the number on the list, and pressed 'dial'.

Jan. 8th, 2009



Vine Square, mid morning, Brendan OTA

This was getting to be a habit - strolling through Vine Square at about the time some of his old friends might develop an urge for coffee. Yesterday he had seen Charlie and his daughter and had dandled her on his knee while Charlie had tried to unravel the strings on her mittens and had caught him up with a lot more news.

Today - who knew?