Posts Tagged: 'alan'

Jul. 19th, 2010



Vine Square morning various

In the gallery, Charlie shuffled his papers into four separate piles - Important/Urgent, Important/can wait, unimportant/Urgent and unimportant/can wait.

His unimportant/can wait pile was three times the height of the others and he had a feeling that close to the bottom of it were things that were beginning to edge their way into Important/Urgent.

He sighed and looked at the four piles and reached for the vital stuff again.


Alan carried a coffee across to the base of the angel statue and looked up at it with a scowl. He still hadn't shown Deacon the bronze he had made. He was hoping they might forget all about it.

Meantime he had coffee and it was sunny - he could smile about that.


Guy sat on the hood of his cab and turned his face up to the sun. He had a fare booked for noon and a good twenty minutes to wait and a soda clinking with ice from the Auberge and paperback novel that someone had left in his cab. It was - different - very different, and Guy was going to look out for the next in the series.
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