June 12th, 2009


Mocha, Early Afternoon, Riley and OTA/MW

He wasn't ready to move in just yet, but as soon as he'd recieved the call, stating his long awaited approval, Riley Ames headed over to Morningstar Manor, eager to form his connections with the grand old building.

He stopped at the front desk, familiarizing himself with the face of the guard on duty as he picked up his keys. The extra packet of goodies that came with the jingling silver was unexpected, but entirely welcome and as he headed upstairs to check out the apartment #347 he felt the warm satisfaction of his well-laid plan coming together.

While he moved through the apartment and made a mental layout of his belongings, he nattered away with his manager on his cell phone, making plans for moving from his river side apartment to the Manor. When that taken care of, he went back downstairs and, after a check of his watch, headed into the coffee shop.

Might as well start meeting his new neighbors while he was here, right?
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Phone call to Deacon

"It just won't be the same," Charlie said into the phone as he adjusted his tie in the little mirror in the gallery rest room. "Everyone expects to see you at the previews. The regulars look forward to it. Mrs Ashford always asks after you. She also asks where the Deacon's behind picture is and she'll be doubly disappointed this time. Total break in tradition!"

He listened and laughed. "I tell you, if we arranged a private viewing of that we'd have to hire a bigger venue. Yeah, and for that too. Ah shit, I have to go, I can hear Gil and Katie. Look, I'll call later, if I have the energy. I get the feeling tonight will be hard work. No, Mum is coming to the viewing once Nia is in bed. Amarie is coming up to sit for us. Yeah, you too. Don't take a wrong turn and end up in New Orleans, will you. No." Charlie sighed. "No matter what, D. I - I'll see you soon 'kay?"

He listened again sighing then nodded at himself. "Yeah you too. And I will. We'll knock 'em dead. Take care, yeah ...... yes I am still hanging on. You too." he sighed again as the phone went dead then went to be a sensible gallerist for the evening.
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Private viewing - open to all invited

They were well organised by now. Gil from the Flamingo Lounge had done the usual high quality finger foods and providing some medium quality wine and rather better soft drinks.He had also loaned Katie to help serve them.

Andy stood by ready to pour drinks or sell art, depending on who wanted what. Charlie, smart but not TOO smart, was ready to meet and greet and the door stood open invitingly.

ooc: usual party post rules apply - plait those threads, dears

Manor gym; Friday night; Bridget and OTA

The kids were with Phin for the weekend, so Bridget was left all alone. Two days and one night of freedom and she had no idea what to do with it. She was too agitated after seeing Phin to concentrate properly, anyway. Just hearing his voice made her want to punch something. So she finally settled on the most logical activity in her current state: going down to the gym and hitting the hell out of the punching bag. She'd imagined that thing looked like Phin for years.