June 11th, 2009



Parking Garage, Thursday Morning

Charlie watched the Aston Martin glide smoothly through the parking garage. As expected it slowed at the ramp and the hazard lights flashed and Charlie waved. Then the powerful vehicle accelerated away.

"Daddy D don," Nia said, her lower lip prominent and quivering.

"Yes," Charlie said and at that moment their relationship was more than obvious. He took a deep breath and tried to ignore the quivering fear inside. Damn Max Sandberg.

"But I'll sing you to sleep tonight so that'll be all right won't it?"

There was a moments thoughtful silence then, "Nooooooooo," Nia said. "Want Nana."

Mercifully she giggled so Charlie was able to laugh too as he carried her across to the elevators. But he really didn't feel like it.
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Tristan and Emma, lobby then OG

Tristan dressed as usual for lunch with his mother, just as if he were going to work. Going to meet with his mother made him jumpy, and he was pacing in the lobby. Even though he was early down there, he could see the hired car waiting outside for them. Maybe if he took a really long walk in the other direction, the guy would go away...
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Roxy in the Mocha, Thursday evening OTA/MW

Spencer was working late. Roxy knew that, and chose to use his working to her advantage. She was holed away at a back table in the Mocha, putting color swatches side by side and jotting random notes in a little (read: easily hidden) notebook.
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Apt 229, Afternoon, Jane and Jazz, Closed

Tuesday night Jane had managed to sleep for at least six hours, it had helped. Of course she'd struggled to get to work on time, and was late getting up to Mr Avery's apartment, only to find the place was just as empty as it had been on Sunday. Even the things she'd deliberately left out were still there.

Mr Avery and Lucas were not home. Well, that had made her day on Wednesday and she wound up finishing early enough that another decent night's sleep had actually happened. Meaning that this morning even, she had been fine up at Mr Devereux's, although she hadn't seen him. So by the time she got to Jazz's apartment, she was actually in a pretty good mood. Which helped a lot.

She opened the door and pulled the trolley in behind her, "Manor Maid Service! Anyone home?"
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