June 9th, 2009


Isabella, late Tuesday Morning, The Mocha. OTA and MW!


Isabella Rossi walked into the Mocha like she'd been doing it every day for her entire life, even though she'd just moved into the Manor that morning. She had a meeting to get to later concerning her new office building, and unlike most people, coffee settled her instead of winding her up.
She was wearing a black and white pinstriped corset with a short sleeved white cashmere half sweater over it, a knee-length tight black pencil skirt, and 4" black stillettos. Her make up was artful yet understated, and her long, glossy brown curls hung past the middle of her back. Appearances were important, that she knew, so she worked hard at looking sexy yet classy, and never appearing nervous or uncertain...
Even though that's exactly how she felt in this new place overflowing with strangers.


Isabella and Trevor, Tuesday afternoon, Wentworth Inc. and beyond.

Isabella walked through the impressive glass doors of Wentworth Inc. and looked around with appreciation. She wanted an office building like this someday for De Rossi, and hoped the building she was planning to buy from Mr. Wentworth was even a fraction as impressive as this one. She'd be finding out soon enough, if the meeting went as she planned.
She felt confident, still in her sweater, corset, skirt and heels as she headed toward the elevator and stood to wait.

Niles and Jane. Apartment 9183, Tuesday afternoon.

God, Niles couldn't wait to lay down and go to sleep. Just pull all the blinds and conk the fuck out. It'd been a hard night, both literally and figuratively, he thought with a smile. But, it was over now and all he wanted to do was sleep it off, maybe talk to Lola for a bit.
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The gardens, afternoon [[Ricky OTA/MW]]

Ricky was sitting on the ground in the garden and whistling some disjointed little melody while planing a row of herbs on one of the little tenants' plots.

They all came from a big box that was labelled 'Organic Vegetables For The City!' and were a gift from his mother. So of course he had to plant them and take care of them. She was likely to come check!
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Apt. 584, Early Morning, Adam and Icene

Adam's conversation with Eris in the poolhouse had been tough, but, in its own way, it had been clarifying. There were some things he felt he understood better now that he'd had to face them directly and he lie awake, thinking about them, as he held Icene close.

He still had a few minutes before her alarm would go off and he enjoyed simply holding her in his arms quietly, simply because he could. He rubbed her cornsilk hair between his fingertips and stared at the ceiling, with a lilting smile on his face as he traced the cracks in the ceiling with his eyes.

He couldn't quite remember how they'd gotten there....
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