June 8th, 2009



Tristan in the garden, Monday afternoon, OTA/MW

Tristan was in the garden, watching the people that were tending little plots of land. He was envious of them in all reality. To have something they tended to and to have that sense of permanency here was something he didn't indulge in. He just managed to throw himself into his work instead.

There was a demand on his cell phone inbox. Friday had been the night of the meeting Tristan couldn't escape. Now his mother wanted him to make time to catch up with her. He knew he couldn't avoid her, but he didn't want to go on his own either.
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Pool, Afternoon, Adam and OTA

Adam had taken this, his last week at home, off. He intended on filling every day with all the things he loved so the experiences would be fresh in his memory as he went overseas and signed his life away to the military for four months.

Today he was up in the poolhouse, snoozing in the sun, lulled to sleep by the gentle lapping of the water and humming of the filters.
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Apt 8160, Evening, Ang and Alec, Closed.

Ang had cooked a quiet dinner, just the two of them and baby Gavin, and settled down afterwards to watch the baseball with Alec, sometimes, keeping quiet about a birthday was the best way to have it pass un-noticed. Besides, this years was nothing special, but next year, well, that would need a party or something to commemorate it, the big four oh! Dear lord she was getting old!

But still it was a little, well, disheartening, that apart from a birthday and gift card from Emma for one of her favourite little lingerie stores, there didn't seem to have been anything else. Still, she had more gifts than she could think of in her life right now, it didn't do to be greedy. If you got too wrapped up in acquisition, you could lose sight of the more precious gifts that you had in your life, like family. Nonetheless, she settled on the sofa with a cup of tea, wondering if perhaps in the interests of a peaceful life she should just, keep quiet?
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Trevor/Anastasia/Gavin: Monday night

"...I don't want to talk about it any more!" Trevor hollered, grabbed his coat and flung open the door. "Christ, just let it fucking REST."

Gavin, listening from his room, felt his stomach turn over and made a fist around his pen as the front door slammed. He'd been trying to write but the shouting had distracted him.

He waited, listening still, but Trevor appeared to have gone.