May 20th, 2009



Wednesday afternoon in the garden, Stone, kittySlate & OTA

Stone was bored. He'd taken the day off from working since he'd finished his paperwork for the week the dsy before. He'd planned on taking Poe to lunch but she'd said she had class and then some club meeting. He'd sent Lara a couple of texts but figured she was busy and he had no idea where Lis might be.

All of this amounted to the reason that Stone had hooked Slate up into the little blue harness leash that Poe or Lis he didn't know which, had gotten for him to bring him outside. He took the growth stunted kitten out to the garden to play around in the grass since it was nice out. Eventually, Stone sat down in a patch of grass and hookes the leash around his ankle. He kept an eye on Slate as the cat chased around a particularly extra fluttery butterfly.



Amarie's Me2Me2 blog, open to anyone with a Me2Me2 account*

Heyoh, all yous guiyz in Me2land? it's bin work work work work work and i'm BORED.

Anyone know any parties this weekend coming? I wanna let my hair down an dance.

[ooc: *Me2Me2 has been going long enough for this post to be open to just about anyone who might have an interest in social networking sites.]
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Job interview at Michaels Brothers, Wednesday [[Chandika, Spencer, MB staff NPCs]]

She had little charms in her pocket, from Bethan and Rahul, to touch should she get nervous, and her favourite tiny statuette of Durga; she had on a nice Western business suit and blouse, and a light, colourful Indian scarf, to show her pride in her heritage. Her hair and makeup had turned out exactly the way she wanted them to, and she was wearing her favourite mid-high heels. She knew she looked good, and was well-prepared.

But when Chandika walked into the office area at Michaels Brothers at exactly the time she was asked to turn up, her heart was still beating up her throat with exitement. You would not have known, though, from looking at her.-

FLASHBACK! Anastasia and Trevor, May 20, 2002

Anastasia looked in the mirror for the millionth time.
Sure, Trevor was just coming over to watch a movie and eat some pizza, but...God. How was she supposed to dress for that?
And what was this? Was this a date? They hadn't really seen each other since the night in the art room and then he'd called about this.
She sighed, straightened the hem of her sea green, cotton slip dress, and waited.

Niles and Gavin. Laundry Room. Wednesday night.

Sure, he had a maid now, but he liked doing his own laundry some times. It was soothing to sit in an almost quiet room and just watch his clothes flip around in the dryer.
Plus, there had to be lots of hot chicks coming down here, right?
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Mocha, afternoon, Charlie and Seth

Amazingly Joy had volunteered to take Nia to the loo for Charlie so he was sat with an enpty stroller and a laptop where he wasn't having to find youtube vids of Piglu or Ivor the Engine for the moment.

Instead he was checking out the crazier entries for Eurovision and whimpering quietly.
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