May 10th, 2009



Apt 12221, 10am Sunday Morning, Jane, Avery, Closed.

Jane was on time as always, and let herself into Mr Avery's apartment with her usual sense of dread and trepidation. Her usual routine wasn't varying much, and she started with the kitchen, determined this morning to get the apartment done and get out. She really didn't like this one part of her job, and everyone else was normally so nice, or out when she cleaned.

It didn't take long to do the kitchen this morning, and soon after, Jane was in the lounge, dusting. She was starting to relax, since Mr Avery hadn't made an appearance yet, maybe today she could just clean and go, without being made to feel likes something on the bottom of a shoe.
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Roxy and Spencer, Sunday morning apartment 8150

Roxy had made breakfast this morning. Spencer had cleaned up afterward. She tried to remind herself that they had done things this way before, but somehow now it was still a novelty thing. Which was why she'd hung out in the kitchen and watched.

"Do we have an agenda for today or is it a lazy Sunday?" She asked once he'd finished loading the dishwasher. She had motivation behind it, but wasn't going to floor him with Lexi's request for engagement photos first thing this morning.
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Apt 229, Afternoon, Jane and Jazz, Closed

Jane had been hard pushed to wait until the appointed time to go to Jazz's. In between Avery and Jazz though was another apartment to clean, and some laundry to run up and down stairs. But promptly, she knocked sharply on Jazz's door, called out "housekeeping" and then without bothering to wait opened the door with her pass key.

"Jazz! Are you in here?" She wasn't quite shouting, but her voice sounded too loud, too shrill, even to her own ears. "You had so better be in here, I really don't know what's been going on but I will get an explanation for how that horrible stick up his butt egomaniac managed to embarrass the hell out of me this morning. And it's ALL YOUR FAULT!" OK, the last was definitely shouted.

She pulled the trolley into the apartment, and then closed the door, she was here to clean, that was her job. Not to shriek at the tenants. They weren't her friends, she couldn't think of any scenario in which a friend could do something like this to anyone.
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