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Jul. 24th, 2009


General Question For All Mods

(Mods, please feel free to delete this if you feel it's inappropriate, I looked over the rules and I saw nothing against general mod advice)

I know all games get ripped off at one point or another, it's inevitable, with so many out there, it's bound to happen accidentally or when games close. But what I want to know is, when you see the same two people continuously ripping off every single game that you mod every few months, including ones that are completely original to begin with (i.e. not just the same old HP Eras that everyone sees) when is it time to contact them about just putting a cork in it already? I'm not even talking about premises, I'm talking taking complete lines taken from game premises and using the same wording, everything. I've been pretty good about ignoring it, but I keep having it pointed out to me by friends and fellow rp'ers and it's gotten to the point where it's just plain irritating, not to mention, people assume I'm the one in charge of the games since they are so similar to my own and I really don't want to be associated with anything that's flavor of the week.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated since I don't like having to go deal with those two, but enough is enough already.

Jul. 17th, 2009


Idea that won't leave ~ Need co-mod

Edit: Ok so I'm getting some good feedback so I'm considering staring this thing. Need someone to help me plan and possibly help set up some resources for things like names, bending limits, genealogies (so we don't have 50 people all related to Aang), etc. I'm already modding one game and would love to find someone responsible/active to help take some of the weight off me, 'cause solo modding two games... well... sucks. =P

Would there be any interest in a game based off the series Avatar: The Last Air Bender? I'm thinking an entirely OC cast, with a setting somewhere near 150 years after the series end that would take place in the Fire Nation capital city. Fire Lord Zuko turned the capital city into a mecca for all four nations to ensure the actions of his ancestors never happened again. There would be no living air benders, a colony of Water Tribe on a small island near the capital city, a section of the city populated mostly by those from the Earth Kingdom, the Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop of course, and the current Avatar would be a young earth bender who is out of the city training. Plot could include either/or/both/including a war over the former Air Nomad territory, or a new kind of bender arising because of the end of the air benders, since the series creators have said that they doubt Air Nomads will be returning. Thinking the characters, by and large, should be at least 16 to keep things more interesting, and possibly have some issues like a prince/princess who can't bend and has their birthright revoked.

I dunno, it's something that's been eating at my brain and won't go away. Just wondering if there'd be any interest, or a possible co-mod.

Jul. 5th, 2009


So I've been bit by a bug that won't go away, and would much like to be involved in a game based on Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. (I mean, the Napoleonic Wars with dragons -- what is not to love here?) Trouble is, it's not a hugely popular series yet, though if/when the movie comes out I suspect that will change. So I don't know whether there would be any interest whatsoever in such a game -- not to mention that the series isn't completed yet, so canon is still a bit shaky.

Because of the issues of not having a huge base and having only part of the series to go off, I was thinking the best idea might be to work out some sort of "prequel" game, something that allows for characters and plot to tie into canon, but also leaves room for those who maybe haven't read the books but are interested in the setting and would like to play, without needing to read the books to know what's going on. If I did this, I think it would be awesome to set it during the French Revolution, but I'm a big dork about the FR and so that could just be me. I'm still thinking about how best to work this.

To cut the rambling I'm wondering, first, whether there's anyone in this fine comm who'd be interested in such a game to begin with; and second, even if you're not interested, do you have any ideas for how to make a game that's based on a specific canon appealing and welcoming to players who aren't familiar with that canon? If that makes sense. :)

Jun. 23rd, 2009



Hello all,

We're in need of a layout for our original superhero/villain RPG and as we don't have the html know-how to make our own, we were hoping that you might be able to suggest anyone who would be able to lend a hand?

Many thanks!

Apr. 22nd, 2009


Hello there! New member here. I've helped run a few games over the years, and ran one all by myself for quite some time. (On Yahoo!groups; man, that was back in the day.) My trouble with games seems to be getting things going; I can handle things swimmingly once they get rolling, but getting people in and active seems to be the trouble. People want to join active games, not games they're waiting to start, but how do you get them to that point?

I'm also lousy with graphics, and that seems to be a major component anymore. People think you haven't put much work into the game without some shiny banners, and the best I can do is slapping some text on in MS Paint.

There's also the problem of reaching a limited audience. If you're looking to start a game with a smaller fandom, what's the best way to go about recruiting them? Usually, advertising games in general discussion communities is considered a bit rude, even if it's not banned.

I'd love to share some ideas. And if anyone is looking to co-mod any games, I'd be thrilled to find one. I've got an HP game I'd like to get up and running (which is obviously not the small fandom one) and a Sailor Moon one (original version, not the North American).

Mar. 22nd, 2009


Questions: I has them.

What makes a good application for a mod to create -- as in what questions tell the most about players and what really makes players' applications stand out? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and for me I've found the thing I most look for is a character's motivation and a sense of humor is usually a real seller. What of you guys?

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