November 24th, 2022

[info]dixongardner in [info]modcooperative

A while back I modded a game with two other players, then down to one, then the second came back as a player. This was all well and good, and the game ran down eventually a few years ago.

Fast forward to last week and one of the former players got in contact (I made the mod journal so I got the notification) about if it was ever possible to re-open the game. I've been missing the game since virtually the moment it closed and we started talking and are going to do it.

I have of course contacted both past mods and asked if they were interested in returning to co-mod or had any objection to my re-opening with a new mod team.

I haven't heard back from them, and I'm just wondering how long I need to give them to reply to me before fully moving on with the re-opening with the new mod team? It'll be a week since I contacted them before anything serious happens and likely somewhat longer before the game will be fully ready, but I'm not sure I shouldn't allow a bit more time.