June 27th, 2018

[info]toglory in [info]miraclecountry

night 🌸 the beach

[Following the fun, wholesome activities Miracle Country planned for the beginning of the summer, a couple of the residents haven't been too happy, finding said activities far too childish and safe for their liking. Well, what happens when someone who wants to make a bit of a mess gets together with someone who shares that train of thought and they plot together?

A bonfire under the moonlit beach, for a start.

Eliot and Chloe (the one who it is reasonable to expect this from) have taken over the drinks stand and turned it into a temporary bar, bringing supplies from the usual one that Lucifer runs. Rather than toys to build castles with, there's music playing, cards to play games and bet with... There's no sitting in a corner being a killjoy here, nope. You'll be encouraged to dance and sing - to be loud and ridiculous, do stupid dares, tell embarrassing stories by the bonfire, go skinny dipping - those drinks provided by the bar might come in handy then. They've brought towels and blankets for people who gather near the bonfire... which might be enchanted, as it occasionally burns in a variety of bright colors, changing to the beat of the music.

That's all the fire does, we promise. Someone's learned from previous lantern shenanigans.]