[Action | Open | Church]
15 July 2011 at 11:42 am
[ On one of the pews near the front of the open church, two figures sat. One, dark-haired in a trench coat, sitting straight and contemplatinve, while the other, lighter-haired in a rumpled jacket leaned his head on the other's shoulder.

Or perhaps they're just looking around, going about their own ways, looking at the stained glass and watching those who come and go... ]

(( OOC: Joint post for Castiel and Gabriel! The thread between them is closed, but do tag in and just say which angel you'd like to talk to! ))
[ Action | Open ]
12 July 2011 at 10:41 pm

[ Do you like ice cream, Marina? Probably not as much as Subaru.

You see, she's sitting at the front of the ice cream shop, staring down what you hope is her first and only ice cream cone, as it's completely stacked with multiple different flavors.

And then it happens. She opens her mouth wide and completely devours the top scoop; there is barely a trace of it left on top of the one below it, on the stack. Subaru pauses, wincing the slightest bit before releasing the cold breath from between her lips with an ecstatic sound. ]

This is pretty good! [ Hey! She deserved it after the training this morning. She's still wearing her full gear, too: skates, glove, barrier jacket and all. ]

[ video | closed ]
28 June 2011 at 01:13 am
Hey, Latias! Acumen got me those pictures we talked about with the giant robots. You wanna get together sometime and see 'em?
Mood: excited
[ video | action | both open ]
21 June 2011 at 11:24 am
[Hello, Marina! Duo had an announcement for you all.]

Hey, guys! I'll be doing another basketball game later today... like mid-afternoon or so. Stop by the gym if you're interested, alright?

[He grinned and then was gone.]


[Later this afternoon, Duo was at the gym with the basketball hoops set up. He'd like to get a real game going if enough people show up together, but he'd do whatever. It was a good way to pass the time and burn off some energy.]

{OOC: Feel free to come in groups and mingle about with threadjacks! If your character just wants to watch, the bleachers in the gym will be pulled out for spectators. Duo will receive calls here for today as well. ^_^}
Mood: energetic
[Action || Open]
15 June 2011 at 08:12 pm
[Schuldig woke up to some very good news. When his restraint was removed, he got something back that he had thought was gone. He can hear other people's thoughts again!


Lucky Acumen that he doesn't have to come and yell at him over his telepathy. His mood much improved and even though its muted, he can still hear others people's thoughts, so he is out and about with his first day exploring. He needs to find learn where everything is as well as see if there is anyone here that he can find some amusement with. There had certainly been a few from yesterday who might be interesting.]

[ooc: Schuldig can be found just about anywhere. Want him to bother yours for some odd reason? Just let me know]
[Video/Voice/Action | SO OPEN]
14 June 2011 at 01:03 pm
[What with the new arrivals, Kohran is not missing this chance to rope people in for a special little project~ She is currently at one of the classrooms in the Education Center armed with her notebook and opens the feed. Have a cheerful face and voice greet you today~]

Good morning everyone!

I've noticed that Marina has some talented singers and musicians, and I was thinking we can hold a little talent show! With so many people coming from different worlds, I feel that there's a big talent pool here, and it'll be an opportunity to share something from your world and have fun at the same time!

So! Would anyone be interested in participating or do you know someone who might want to participate?

(( OOC: Come sign up! THREADJACKS ARE MOST WELCOME so you can make fun of your friends FOR FRIENDLY ENABLING! ))
The 119th Day
13 June 2011 at 05:26 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 119th day of the third generation.

It has come to the system's attention that new inmates have been having their restraints removed by inmates currently in residence. I have been willing to overlook these incidents in the past when this arrangement was between two individuals and kept discreet. However, the recent number of violations and the brazen petition for help over the network are taking advantage of my leniency.

Therefore, this practice will stop. Immediately. Inmates who fail to follow this rule will face consequences.

Consider this your warning.

Inmate Roxas, the item you requested is available by the entrance to Sector 0.

((ooc: Please use the day post for kiosk requests only. Reaction posts to the comm are encouraged!))
[ video | voice | action ]
08 June 2011 at 11:23 pm
[hello all, a new resident of the dome has appeared today in... a rather unfortunate place.

It seems he's stuck in the middle of the ice rink without skates. He's... quite confused and disorientated and sitting on his bum. SO SAD. but no he can figure this out. So far he's gathered he's a prisoner and things of that nature so he holds the communicator up to himself to greet the community]

--Ah, right, it's on now. Hello! Wait.

[a sigh and he just kind of switches to voice and anyone in the ice rink that day will see Shinra crawling on his knees and hands to try and get out of the ice rink. Lots of slipping and falling! But meanwhile, he's blabbering away into the headset]

Right so, now that that's taken care of-- I very much appreciate this visit to... an ice rink? Yes, it's a very nice ice rink you have here, and I compliment it greatly. In fact, whoever-is-in-charge-san, I would quite like to ask if I could borrow it one day! Ah, how I'd love to take my sweet here. She'd blush and tell me how silly it is and we'd slip and slide andsheesh my hands are cold-- OW.

[it seems he's slipped and landed face forward on the ice. skidding a bit across the ice, he whimpers]

Okay, yes, the point here was that I do quite wish whoever decided to send me here in this... place, that they would lend a poor man a pair of skates first.

Though I suppose I'm not in a position to argue, yes.

[grumble grumble] Is anyone even listening to this--
08 June 2011 at 10:28 pm
[There's some quiet cursing, before Otoha sighs and then speaks.]

I've never met doctors as stubborn as these robots. They won't let me out of this hospital room. They keep trying to shock me to get me to stay still.

[He is so not amused.]

Can someone convince them for me?
09 June 2011 at 02:46 am
[Closed | Defense Force Headquarters]

[The arrival of Schuldig is for Ken, a cause for great concern. He may be alone, but this was one of the more unpredictable members of Schwartz, and there is no knowing what the telepath/speed demon can and will do in a prison where the guilty and the innocent are mixed together.

Ken did not want to have to do this, but without Weiss, without a team he can work with, he knows he needs help. And quietly, using the brouhaha caused by the coming of new inmates, he heads towards the Defense Force Headquarters, and addresses the first person he sees --]

Um. Excuse me, I need to speak to someone --


[Open | Sector 5 - Convenience Store]

[Looks like someone's spacing out over the tofu, or maybe even the poultry section. Or he's finding the nutrition facts of a can of water chestnuts far too interesting. Either way, this is not the lively florist/soccer fanatic the prison has seen so far...]

(( OOC: Thread with Suzaku at the DF HQ is closed, while he needs to snapped out of his reverie at the Convenience Store after. :3 Have at~! ))
07 June 2011 at 03:20 pm
Oh my... [There is a plant girl in the park, kneeling in a patch of flowers and gently running her hands over them] The plants here have grown different...I cannot imagine that such a time has passed to let them grow so much. It feels like none has passed at all...yet the trees are welcoming me again.

[She carefully gets to her feet and brushes her dress off] I suppose I must have been lost then. Would someone be willing to tell me what day it is?

[And in the meanwhile, she's going to go say hello to Ammy's tree. It is blooming beautifully, and it is as peaceful as ever]
[Video / Action | Open ]
06 June 2011 at 09:04 pm
[A certain returned spirit medium appears via video at the Training Hall, though something is a little off about her. Specifically, she looks rather unsteady, but nevertheless smiles at the camera as if nothing is wrong.

Nothing is wrong, after all, other than this mysterious migraine that just started out of nowhere.]

Um, has anyone seen Missile hiding around? I tried looking for her for a while, but whatever she's hiding as, she isn't reacting, and I haven't found two of anything yet...

[There's a brief pause, though she leaves the message public still.]

Oh, and sorry, Jennifer, but I don't think I can make the picnic today... Something's come up. It's nothing big, don't worry.

[Shortly after finishing this, Maya winces quite visibly, even through the smile, though that sinks a bit as her eyes go wide at something unseen and not in the direction of the camera.]


[Looking back up at the camera, Maya blinks in confusion, forces a smile again, and reaches for the buttons on the side of her communicator.] Oh, um, talk to you later... [The video quickly winks out.]

((OOC: She's been canon updated through the end of the third game.))
07 June 2011 at 09:41 am
[There is a sleepy Pokemon nestled into a random corner of the clocktower. Considering this isn't where she went to sleep 'last night', Latias is naturally rather confused when she wakes up and blinks at her surroundings]


[Communicator goes on! Sleepy dragon is sleepy] I don't remember going to sleep up here last...did someone move me after I fell asleep? [Yaaaawn]

It's kind of comfortable though...maybe I should sleep up here more often.
02 June 2011 at 01:48 pm
[ waking up is... difficult. and a bit confusing, with memories of very strange dreams in her head. but they're only fuzzy, at first. as her eyes open, the only thing she registers is that she hadn't wanted to wake up. one dream's particulars escapes her grasp-- a happy one, beautiful beyond everything else... and it's gone, leaving just a horrible, wrenching sense of loss.

some point in the night, the nap had turned into bedtime, and she'd curled up with Lelouch whenever he'd come in. she thinks he's still asleep and she's glad for it as she turns to face away from him and cries.

later, she's stirring a cup of coffee at the kitchen table, maybe still a little red-eyed, and she turns her communicator on. ]


Everyone here is strange... [ quietly. and not the best opening line ever, but it's a start ]

((ooc: Action's open to house mates, before she's in the kitchen, or after. Voice is totally open.))
Location: Day 117 / Sector 4, Casa di vi Britannia / Noonishish
[Dream Event | Open]
01 June 2011 at 12:33 am
[There's a tiny girl staggering under a mass of fine blankets and fancy pillows. She totters over to a larger pile of similar objects by the railing and tosses what she's carrying into it. Maybe this is the beginning of a Super Special Awesome Pillow Fort? It looks like she dropped a pink frilly pillow somewhere near you.]

[Incidentally, tiny!Nunnally has picked a prime location to throw small squishy things at people on the floor below.]

((OOC: Your character can be either normal age or younger, and tiny!Nunners can be persuaded to leave the pillow fort and the unsuspecting adults alone for other kiddie fun and games.))
[ dream - open ]
28 May 2011 at 09:23 pm
Dream One - Childhood )

Dream Two - Operation Meteor )

Dream Three - Keeping the Peace )

Dream Four - Endless Waltz )

{OOC: For Dream One, some people may see the Church, others will likely just see Duo's life on the streets. For the others, you will see various points throughout the canon. Each person varies, and it depends kind of on my mood when you tag. LOL}
Mood: nostalgic
003: Plagiarism? Certainly not. [voice]
26 May 2011 at 09:54 pm
Good afternoon, fellow inmates. This is Light Yagami.

To better predict the pattern at which the stabilizer functions, I'd like to conduct a bit of a survey myself, just as Mister Holmes had done just a while ago.

If each of you don't mind, do reply to this post with the following:

1. Whether or not you are human. If no, please specify what you are, exactly
2. Your origin world or planet, and the respective country if any
3. Your gender and age

If you would like to remain anonymous for this survey, by all means, go without providing your name - it would not affect the survey results in any way. The results will be broadcasted later on, just as Mister Holmes has done. But in this instance, if you would like copies of the results, feel free to leave me your name, so I may send you a copy through the mail.

Thank you.
[Voice] | [Action]
23 May 2011 at 11:52 pm

If anyone is looking for Harry Potter, he's gone.



[He had been woken up by the robots coming in to clear out Harry's things. He had been stupid to think that he could have a 'normal' life here. Frustrated, Otoha grabbed his sword and headed to the dojo to practice. He needs to stop thinking, needs to break things and cut things and destroy something.]

[He unsheathes his sword, taking a moment to calm himself as much as he can before slicing into the first dummy.]

[[ooc; The voice part is open, and the action part is closed. \o/]]
[Voice | Video]
07 May 2011 at 03:47 pm
Not that I think there are many here who would, but...

[Yuuki, just appearing on screen looks deadly serious for a moment. Dark brown eyes clear and intent, focusing on the screen with a well of passionate emotion behind them.]

Wasting food is the worst.

[Giving a sigh, a hand moves to rest on her slim hips, the other lifting up to her head in the appearance of tired exasperation.]

If something happened again where the dome was to shut down and the food supplies get cut off, that could turn into a real issue. [She lifts a lecturing hand.] Playing with the supply catered to a particular group's nutritional needs is even worse. [Probably Road doesn't care all that much (actually, the worry and chaos it causes is probably something she likes ...Damn it.). Anyway she can only imagine Kamui's irritation.]

Just try not to take it for granted.

[She exhales one last time.] Anyway... [Eyes softening, she gives a small hopeless smile that tugs the corner of her mouth. Anything too serious and she feels out of place.]

Out of curiosity, is there anyone who plays chess that wouldn't mind teaching me? I know how to play a little, er...mostly, anyway... just not well. If so, I'd be grateful! I promise I'm a great student!

[Her hand lifts after flashing a bright smile and peace sign at the device, covering the screen after as she reaches forward to deactivate it before suddenly halting.]

AH! [Hands falling away she has an afterthought, only just remembering now!] I almost forgot. Suzaku-kun, can I speak with you?
30 April 2011 at 09:39 am
[He hadn't heard from her in a while. He'd checked the life signals while at the Defence Force HQ, but he - no, surely the machines had been wrong. Right? So now he's asking - anyone he can.

Because Hermione can't be gone. She just can't. She'd always been talking about finding some way out and why nobody had left a note and surely she wouldn't have just disappeared, would she?

... Yeah, the kid's in pretty heavy denial right now.]

Excuse me, has - has anyone seen Hermione Granger?

[He's trying to keep the fear, the desperation out of his voice, but it's not working too well.]