22 January 2010 at 10:28 pm
[Guess who is propped up on his elbows in bed, singing to himself absently over the communicator, and 'dancing' his set of detached ears across his pillow.]

Do your ears hang low
Do they wobble to and fro
Can ya tie 'em in a knot
Can ya tie 'em in a bow
Can ya throw 'em over your shoulder like a Land-o'-dragons soldier
Do your ears! Hang! Looooow?

Do your ears hang high?
Do they reach up to the sky?
Do they wrinkle when they're wet?
Do they straighten when they're dry?
Can you wave them at your neighbor
With an element of flavor?
Do your ears! Hang! Hiiiiigh?
22 January 2010 at 06:29 pm

[No, he doesn't care about being loud. In fact, he's making sure the recording area is practically at his mouth.]

What kinda of joke is this!?
Where's Zangetsu!? Aizen!?


18 January 2010 at 07:59 pm
It's to keep Lenalee safe. Don't complain.

['Or else' B|, his tone says.]
Voice | Open | Action
19 January 2010 at 12:22 am
Apparently the ball and chain weren't enough. I'm now a literal pet. All I need is a sign outside of my room saying "please don't feed the animal. May bite". But it's not long until I can really get to know you, Marina! Oh, it'll be fun, I'm sure.

(There's a pause; this particular incarnation of the Master has never really considered it prudent to disguise his feelings or opinions, apart from with regards to very particular scenarios. In short, he sounds distinctly unimpressed, or, if you'd prefer, Really Rather Grumpy. Complete with alliteration.)

Oh, but that's not what they're for, is it? It's for protection. All of it. Isn't such experimentation a crime? One rule for one, another for--.

Criminals who feel that their dignity has been compromised are rarely the most forgiving of criminals, for the record. It's something to be kept in mind, I think. One wouldn't want anyone to be overcome with a sudden desire to reap vengeance. To return in kind such a thoughtful gift. (There's the brief sound of tapping.) Consequences! In a place like this, you just have to keep them in mind before you do anything at all! (Another brief pause.)

A pet claiming a pet of his own doesn't suddenly become Master.

Action! For Layla )
[Video | Filtered from Noahkin]
18 January 2010 at 06:51 pm
[Shortly after the morning announcement, a video clicks on. Komui grins widely, looking quite pleased with himself.]

Ah, I see many of you have discovered my latest stroke of genius! [pointing at his own pair of twitching cat ears!] Adorable, aren't they? Even Anissina can't argue that. You can all thank me in turn~ Special thanks to our new friend Ritsuka for the inspiration and to Allen Walker for the idea! This is a prototype formula so they'll only last for a day or so but I'll work on a stronger formula for the future.

But oh, right, the important bit! [wagging a finger at the camera] This isn't all fun and games, you know. I need to see who's safe to be around Lenalee, so these are to keep all of you honest! Naughty thoughts make them fall off and expose you for the deviant you are, so keep your minds full of pure and clean things, boys and girls!

[seemingly to himself as the video pans away] I'll bet Lenalee looks so cute~
[voice|open / action | open sort of]
12 January 2010 at 07:12 pm
This is basically a lot like Conrad's hospital post. Only people that know her / that know that she's injured can access action, but feel free to access voice! Also, for action, I'm perfectly fine with Gino / one of the defense teamers coming in to talk to her as long as they don't - uh - try to break her head open? And lmao, as much as I don't want to, exorcists can't visit her - I'm sure the bots would not take strangling as a good visitor's excuse people. But Allen can come. So it's all good.

She's still restricted to the bed, meaning she can't walk just yet and her arms are still extremely sore. Not fully recovered atm. Also lots and lots of bandages.

Bring flowers when you see her mmmk? )

Huh. There's so many new people...I wonder what'll happen once Sentience runs out of room.

[soft laugh] Maybe it'll start executing us~ I mean, there's already a graveyard and all, so it's a possibility - isn't it?
12 January 2010 at 02:31 pm
[Not being allowed to leave the room while Riku is still sleeping, and having not been able to get too much information out of Kairi as she's only been here a few days, Sora resorts to playing around with his communicator]

Hey! Hi, hello. I just want people to know that I'm okay... I'm pretty much back to normal... except sleeping is hard [SLEEP!? That's the last thing his body is interested in right now] And I want to thank everyone, and anyone who helped Riku get put me back together. And for taking care of me, and Riku and Kairi while I was gone.

Oh! Oh! And what have I missed? Axel said I missed Christmas! [SO SAD!] What else happened while I was all souless and stuff?
12 January 2010 at 02:01 pm
U-um. [video clicks on, and a small girl with red-rimmed eyes appears, hiccups, and fiddles with the communicator some more.] I..don't really know how to work this...

I'm not really sure what all of those words meant. But I know what “murder” is, and I've never done anything like that.

There's still a lot I don't know about the world outside of Kurain village, but...isn't there supposed to be a trial first? I...know a really good defense lawyer, so...

I want to go home.
12 January 2010 at 01:20 pm
Cut for length, shonen retardation + chess, and wince-inducing violence with eyes. )

[[ Blue = Battler, Red = Beatrice. Both Beato and Battler will be responding to comments. If you specifically WANT one, the other, or both, just mention in the subject line! ]]
[Voice | Filtered from Ariel]
12 January 2010 at 12:03 pm
I... have a weird request. I know how it's going to sound but -- Where can I get some women's clothes? There's a girl staying with me that needs some. I'm not too good at this so... if anyone could help me out I'd appreciate it.
video | open
12 January 2010 at 02:58 pm
With all that free time I found myself in acquisition of as everyone else slept and the library is poor, I made a list! Mostly for Sentience, and-- that lawyer. (He waves a hand dismissively; he doesn't care in the slightest.) Never did get his name. But, I thought I'd let everyone have a look. Why hide crimes? We're all criminals here.

Laws of Time--! And also the Master being self-centred. )

You see, kiddies. (His expression is a mockery of solemnity, as if he's trying to explain something very, very basic to very, very simple people.) The Laws of Time are Important (hear that capital letter--!). They're not to be broken. If the Laws of Time are broken, then very bad things happen. We don't want those very bad things to happen now, do we? It could result in, oh, the destruction of planets. The wiping out of entire peoples. And we're here to learn how to be good. To stop that from happening.

Why, Sentience! You're almost as bad as me! (And he laughs before going to turn off the feed, but then--)

Oh, no, wait! Question! Lying. How many Brownie points do I lose for it? We might have to re-do introductions, Marina.

((ooc: Bored Master is really bored and seeking attention.))
11 January 2010 at 10:10 pm
[ the sound of someone tapping the mic; more curious than testing. then, smooth and bright and innocuously-lilting: ]

What a cute lil' ball and chain. It doesn't quite match my outfit, but I think I like it~. Makes kind of a cheerful noise when I rattle it. [ rattle, rattle ] Don't suppose there's any chance of it coming off anytime soon, huh? [ doesn't even sound especially disappointed about this; maybe he really likes the rattle that much ]

--Ohh, and I almost forgot~. Ichimaru Gin's my name. It's nice to meet all of you. How embarrassing, it's like I was raised by wolves or something. The captain would be so disappointed. ♥
11 January 2010 at 10:44 pm
[The video clicks on to show a small boxy robot waving at the screen. His voice has a tinny undertone to it.]



[[OOC:Double post! Feel free to reply to EVE's reply! ♥]]
[Accidental Video | Please Come And Piss Her Off]
11 January 2010 at 10:37 pm
[ooc warning: Definite spoilers for R2. Also, so sorry for the tl;dr. I seriously fail at intros.]

[Have an accidental video of a face that I'm sure is QUITE recognizable for a lot of the inmates of Marina Asylum. Some of you have seen her before because she's from your world and others have seen a younger version of her, one with shorter hair and a translucently ruthless look in her eyes. Now, however, she looks slightly different. With long flowing hair and features that appear to be a bit older. It's not necessarily a physical change, but more so mental.

The furrow in her forehead creases, transforming her face into one etched with confusion and anger. Her eyes reread the accusations on the screen, mouth forming a thin white line as the color drains from her face.]

Not so important spoilery stuff about her brothers and adorable sister )

[Her chin lifts sharply before she stands up, instinctively reaching for the sword-gun that she keeps sheathed at her side. But her fingers graze her hip instead, and she releases a low groan as lavender eyes peer around the room incredulously. She isn't surprised that it has been confiscated.

The only thing she is sure of is that this is not a room at the palace or a room in the Damocles. Not knowing who to direct her animosity at, and failing to notice she is being recorded for the entire network to see, fists form at her sides, and she stands tensely there, directing her indignation above, as if she expects some sort of hidden intercom or camera to receive her insults.]

I DO NOT appreciate being dragged from my home in such a cowardly manner! I demand to know where I have been taken at once!