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Sep. 29th, 2013


❝ keep the streets empty ❞

Who: Elizabeth Tudor & You
Where: varied places in Mandalus.
When: First Week of the Cult
Warnings: Tudors... yeah, just that for the time being.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Going Through the Motions [open]

Who: Ben Braeden and YOU
Where: All over Mandalus
When: Monday through Wednesday of this week
Warnings: Nothing beyond emo not!Winchester

He had left the Enterprise awhile ago at this point, and was crashing still with Snow and Charming. He helped out around the place a bit - he felt the need to earn his keep after having been working so hard on the ship - but he was left with a lot of time on his hands and not a whole lot to do.

It took him awhile to risk exploring again. The fears of being snatched up again by the cult was evident as he had taken a kitchen knife and stuck it in his boots so that he had something to fight with when he was by himself, even just around the farm.

Slowly he started to make his way back into the city, though. He was careful though. Always in areas that had a lot of people, but not too crowded. He was back at the farm before the sun set. He didn't take any risks and just kept his head down and watched people.

He was trying to learn faces to know who were people like him, and people who belonged in this place. Who he could trust. And who he needed to stay far away from.

And sometimes he would ride his bike past the place he knew Dean was working and stop a moment. Ben kept debating on what he was going to do when it came to Dean, but in the end he just kept riding. His finger kept hovering over the button to call him, but never pushed it.

Dean didn't want him. That's really all that it came down to. Ben was there, he remembered that Dean always left and even took away his memories of him, and now after giving them back, he hadn't seen or heard from the man. So it was obvious Dean just didn't want him, and he wasn't going to try and get him to change his mind again.

He would just hope that eventually, the System would find him and send him home, because he really didn't want to be here anymore.

Jun. 30th, 2013


❝ look what's laying at our feet, that's the wreckage of broken dreams. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle, Castiel and John Blake
What: The Angel visits the Cat in jail, while the Bat bails her out.
Where: Mandalus Police Precinct
When: 6/29-6/30
Rating: PG

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Jun. 23rd, 2013


I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night

Who: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Thor, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Raven Darkholme, Selina Kyle, BATMAN
What: The first official meeting of the superteam, name still pending
Where: Stark Tower penthouse
When: Early evening 06/23
Rating: PG
Notes: Free-for-all tagging in the comments, feel free to use action spam or prose at your discretion.

it's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet )

Jun. 16th, 2013


❝ i've got these habits that i cannot break, and as i'm older there is more at stake. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle and Ruby Lucas
What: The two girls chat about their respective Winchesters
Where: Ruby's Diner
When: Night of 6/16
Rating: PG

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Apr. 24th, 2013


❝ don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way 'cause i'm back. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
What: Transfer of information, Tony showing off his cool cars (not a metaphor)
Where: Stark Tower
When: BACKDATED to 4/18
Rating: PG-13
Notes: This would of been an amazing OT3.

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Mar. 31st, 2013


❝ c'mon and take me for a ride, you know time's on our side. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle & Dean Winchester
What: Stupid and adorable shipping things.
Where: Around Mandalus! Wherever the Impala decides to go.
When: BACKDATED to night 3/26
Rating: I'm not even going to try and rate this right now.
Notes: These two are too unpredictable so I just. IT COULD BE FEELS IT COULD BE M RATED I don't even anymore.

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❝ you got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle & Henry Foss
What: Having a phone from one of the cultist members, Selina needs it hacked. She needs to put those skills of Mr. Foss's to the test.
Where: Fancy restaurant in the Venetian District
When: Night of 3/31
Rating: PG

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Mar. 9th, 2013


So Batman walks into a diner... Stop me if you've heard this one.

Who: John Blake, Selina Kyle, Dean Winchester
What: Threesomes! Lunch amongst acquaintances
Where: Granny's Diner
When: 3/9 Afternoon
Rating: PG (maybe PG-13 for language? idek)

Blake had invited Miss Kyle to Granny's Diner for lunch, needing to get out of the batcave every once in a while. He sat at the table he'd met her at when he'd first arrived, asking for two menus. He sat and looked over the menu's contents as he waited. He made sure to take good care of himself, being a cop and needing to be in shape was a good start. But Batman was supposed to be better than a cop. So he went for long runs in the morning, going further each day.

But he wasn't running currently. He was sitting, waiting. And torn between the chicken club and the grilled cheese. He wasn't often a fan of grilled cheese sandwiches, but the description in the menu made it sound appetizing. He glanced up at the dining area, then to the door, then down to his watch. She'd show. She had to make an entrance, of course.


❝ and now you've got to wonder, who will dig you out when you’re six feet under. ❞

Who: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Selina Kyle
What: After Ruby leaving, the three decide it is time to get answers about the Serpent from it's worshipers. Which means the targeted Cult Member is going to get messed up.
Where: The Club, night club in the Business District
When: Night of 3/6 (EPIC BACKDATING)
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence and extreme possibilities of very bad language. Will update the warnings if needed.

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Mar. 4th, 2013


❝ it was all so strange, and so surreal, that a ghost should be so practical. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle & John Blake
What: The Cat and The Cop discuss the Caped Crusader. After the Cat breaks into his secluded cave in Mandalus.
Where: The BatCave (under Blake's apartment)
When: 3/4
Rating: PG
Notes: BatFeeeeels.

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Feb. 21st, 2013


❝ if you should lose your way there is a place, here in this house, that you can stay. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester and Castiel
What: The Adventures of Catwoman and the Winchester Household.
Where: The Singer Yard
When: 2/15 - 2/22
Rating: PG...?
Notes: Feel free to tag in however you'd like the scenario to go between Selina and the boys! Also, feel free to place it whenever during the week. The log bit here is an intro, so feel free to respond in prose or with brackets. I can go either way!

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Jan. 28th, 2013


❝ when the knight has arisen then your legend will be whole. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle & John Blake
What: Blake visits Selina in the hospital for a 'social visit.' Then the Serpent shows up and shit gets real.
Where: Hospital in the Business District
When: Morning 1/28
Rating: PG

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Jan. 27th, 2013


❝ and i'm losing my favorite game, you're losing your mind again. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle & NPC Glorious Jerkface
What: NARRATIVE [PART 2/2]. When The Cat gets in over her head, it's always a challenge to get herself out of it.
Where: Old Town, near the warehouses along the docks
When: Morning 1/27
Rating: PG
Notes: Check the notes at the end!

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Jan. 22nd, 2013


❝ you've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal. ❞

Who: Selina Kyle & NPC Glorious Jerkface
What: NARRATIVE [PART 1/2]. When The Cat gets in over her head, it's always a challenge to get herself out of it.
Where: Business District >> Old Town
When: Morning 1/23
Rating: PG
Notes: Featuring an NPC who, hopefully, everyone can reference to later! I do not apologize for any rage this could cause at said NPC.

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Jan. 20th, 2013


I found a martyr in my bed tonight.

Who: Dean Winchester and Selina Kyle
What: Morning After
Where: Selina's room in Hatfield House
When: The morning of January 20th
Rating: PG, possibly higher.

She stops my bones from wondering just who I am, who I am, who I am. Oh, who am I? )