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Sep. 29th, 2013


❝ keep the streets empty ❞

Who: Elizabeth Tudor & You
Where: varied places in Mandalus.
When: First Week of the Cult
Warnings: Tudors... yeah, just that for the time being.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Going Through the Motions [open]

Who: Ben Braeden and YOU
Where: All over Mandalus
When: Monday through Wednesday of this week
Warnings: Nothing beyond emo not!Winchester

He had left the Enterprise awhile ago at this point, and was crashing still with Snow and Charming. He helped out around the place a bit - he felt the need to earn his keep after having been working so hard on the ship - but he was left with a lot of time on his hands and not a whole lot to do.

It took him awhile to risk exploring again. The fears of being snatched up again by the cult was evident as he had taken a kitchen knife and stuck it in his boots so that he had something to fight with when he was by himself, even just around the farm.

Slowly he started to make his way back into the city, though. He was careful though. Always in areas that had a lot of people, but not too crowded. He was back at the farm before the sun set. He didn't take any risks and just kept his head down and watched people.

He was trying to learn faces to know who were people like him, and people who belonged in this place. Who he could trust. And who he needed to stay far away from.

And sometimes he would ride his bike past the place he knew Dean was working and stop a moment. Ben kept debating on what he was going to do when it came to Dean, but in the end he just kept riding. His finger kept hovering over the button to call him, but never pushed it.

Dean didn't want him. That's really all that it came down to. Ben was there, he remembered that Dean always left and even took away his memories of him, and now after giving them back, he hadn't seen or heard from the man. So it was obvious Dean just didn't want him, and he wasn't going to try and get him to change his mind again.

He would just hope that eventually, the System would find him and send him home, because he really didn't want to be here anymore.

Apr. 6th, 2013


Seventh Cut | A birthday party

Who: Jo Harvelle, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Elizabeth Tudor, Gene Hunt, Rabbit, The Spine, Tony Stark; also August, Charming and Mary Margaret if they wished to attend
What: Birthday Partying and food and beer and games and hanging out
When: The evening of April 7th
Where: The Roadhouse
Rating: ...I don't know. PG-13?
Notes: IT'S A FREE FOR ALL (FOR THE INVITED GUESTS) so talk to others and play games or whatever with each other. Also pretend she sent out invitations on Wednesday or Thursday because I didn't want to spam the comms, and presents aren't required, she just wants to see the people she invited.

[Harvelle birthday parties had never been very big affairs. There hadn't really been a chance. A few hunters made an effort to swing by around the right times of the year, or to split the difference and come by during March with a cheap souvenir for each of the Harvelle women and an extra tip. Jo had never minded much.

And so maybe her party in Mandalus wasn't going to be as extravagant as others would say birthday parties need to be, but it was going to be a good one. She had given August and Charming two days off, and closed the bar until Wednesday. A vacation that wasn't because of a disaster (personal or city-wide) would be a good present to herself.

In any case, the spread on the bar was bigger than what she usually had for her birthday. She had plenty of beer in several coolers, even a few bottles of champagne tucked in amongst the other alcohol since she had invited Elizabeth. (Really, what did royalty usually drink? She was making an effort.) There was plenty of food as well - sandwiches, candy, chips, popcorn, and the orange jello birthday cake she had asked Castiel to make. It wasn't the usual Harvelle beef roast and birthday cake dinner, but she knew she would never make one as good as her mom's and this spread was good enough.

In addition to the food, Jo had dragged out Ash's television and Nintendo 64, so there were video games to play if pool, karaoke or conversation wasn't enough.]

Feb. 18th, 2013


Who: Gabriel and Lizzie
What: Questions, Questions why is everyone so interested in what they're doing anyway?
Where: Hatfield, during her Masquerade party
When: Valentine's
Rating: probably PG-13

Selina had done well. There wasn't a real emergency, and there was nothing to cause a terrible panic over. But it was enough to get Lizzie away from the crowds, somewhere quieter they could be alone. That's all he needed- he could do the rest himself.

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Jan. 18th, 2013


Who: Castiel, Dean, Sam, Gabriel, Jo (and extras?)
What: A welcome home/belated birthday family party for Castiel
Where: The Roadhouse
When: January 17th
Rating: PG as always.

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