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Oct. 4th, 2013


Run boy run! They’re trying to catch you

Who: Enterprise Crew (Kirk, Uhura, McCoy, Frye, Lewis, and your people can always text/call the people in the crew to see if they're okay oh god why did I say that I fear for my inbox)
Where: Lewis-Martinsson residence
When: After the attack on the Spaceport
Warnings: Language, I guess? sexual situations ha kidding

With the chaos that was the cultists overrunning the Spaceport and snatching up the C'Meni left and right, things were, for lack of a better word, insane. Part of the crew had managed to get a handle of the C'Meni on a shuttle and got them away safely. The crew that were native to Mandalus, they knew where to go, the fastest way to return safely to their homes. But the main crew of the Enterprise, that technically was their home. Kirk, McCoy, Uhura. Kaylee, even, since the people she lived with before had left the city...and her homeless. The only one that had someplace to go was Darcy. Realizing they had a safehouse made Darcy so very thankful that she hadn't sold it off after Magnus was taken from her.

With another shuttle, she directed them to her neighborhood, having the shuttle parked in a wooded area to the south of the house. She wished it was like Star Trek IV, and they had a vessel that could shield itself. Darcy led the way through the back yard, letting herself into the sliding door, keeping it open for her crewmates. It was going to be a little crowded. No. Not crowded. Cozy. She preferred the term 'cozy' to crowded.

"Okay, so, this here is the kitchen, obviously. Living room through there. There's a half-bath down the hall. Up the stairs is the master bedroom, a second bedroom, and a full bath. Basement is furnished and has a pool table. So, that's fun." Darcy rambled off as she pointed her arms in all different directions as she explained the house. She was exhausted and sweaty and ached all over. She knew that everyone else was the same way.

"Any questions?"

Sep. 6th, 2013


❝ but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need. ❞

Who: Mandalus Forest and EVERYONE
What: The Enterprise crew is doing a camping trip--and has invited anyone from the city to join! They also find a special little something hidden out in the woods.
Where: The Mandalus Forest
When: 9/6 - 9/9
Rating: PG-13 (will rate up if needed)
Notes: Keep in mind this is free-for-all! Anyone can show up and talk with anyone. There's no need to interact with the Trek Cast. Just show up, pitch a tent, and meet new people! Or troll older friends with marshmallows. One of the two.

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Aug. 28th, 2013


❝ they'll be lookin' for answers they'll be chasin' you down in the heat of the night . ❞

Who: James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh, Leonard McCoy, Darcy Lewis and WHOEVER ELSE
What: The Enterprise crew comes face-to-face with Khan again. Except, this time, Kirk is bringing Khan on board to work out a negotiation between them at Mandalus.
Where: The USS Enterprise NCC-1701. The meeting room and hallways.
When: BACKDATED 8/25
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Kirk and Khan will have their own threads, while others can thread hop to the two of them. You can also thread hop one another.

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Jun. 12th, 2013


001 → arrival

Who: John Harrison and YOU!
What: The arrival of a somewhat confused superhuman
Where: Avasaṭa Station
When: 06/11/13, morning
Rating: Uuh, PG

cut for possible Into Darkness spoilers, but I tried to be vague )

May. 30th, 2013


❝ it's time to begin, isn't it? i get a little bit bigger, but then i'll admit... ❞

Who: James T Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Kaylee Frye, Darcy Lewis, Ben Braeden
What: Kirk has called a meeting of his entire crew in Mandalus to discuss ship operations, position expectations, and planning the first expedition Kirk will announce later.
Where: USS Enterprise's conference room
When: Afternoon of 5/30
Rating: PG unless people use bad words
Notes: This log is open for everyone to tag each other on! Crew meeting! Kirk will be tagging everyone, so feel free to expand and talk to one another. The Enterprise crew is like a family. Make some CR~

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Apr. 30th, 2013


❝ well, these days i'm fine - no these days i tend to lie. ❞

Who: James T Kirk & Leonard McCoy
What: The boys decide to have a heart to heart as Kirk was stupid and injured his hand on a wall.
Where: On The Starship Enterprise UNDER CAPTAIN KIRK Sickbay
When: Evening 4/30
Rating: PG-13
Notes: We're going to be shattering Trekkie hearts. You've been warned.

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