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Oct. 28th, 2013



Who: Princess Iafara and Prisoners in C'Vorti
What: Iafara and the captured C'Meni have been nursing themselves back to health in hopes of breaking out of the city prison. They have no idea that the Honored Guests have been captured as well.
Where: Ruins of C'Vorti, mountains south of the Old Town District
When: 10/28 - 10/31
Rating: Pending on the thread.

Along with those that had been captured, Princess Iafara had taken wounds. They were not as deep as others had sub-stained, but they were enough to cause her mobility to be shortened. As such they had taken a small building as their own. It had once been a diner, she thought. There were guards placed outside as others slept in booths and on the floors in the kitchen. It was nothing new to her people. They were nomadic by nature after all.

Oct. 23rd, 2013



Who: Those arrested by the Cult
What: Welcome to the ruins of C'Vorti, the once capital of Mandalus. Here you and other Honored Guests that are captured will meet, greet and hopefully find the C'Meni in order to free yourselves.
Where: Ruins of C'Vorti, mountains south of the Old Town District
When: 10/23 - 10/26
Rating: Varies between threads.
Notes: Start your own thread and tag into others! This is a meet-and-greet styled log.

C'Vorti Prison, the ruined city of the once might capital of the Mandalus Empire some five hundred years ago. Now it simply is a decaying city wracked with criminals of every kind. From the criminally insane to those who simply spoke out against the Cult, and the fabled C'Meni,
the prison city was now home to all of them. Given only part of the city was accessible, it would be easy to stage a revolt and break out. If one could get past magical wards placed by the Cult of Mes'Klou.

For now? Simply meet with one another and see what can be done. Perhaps finding the C'Meni would be the best idea...

Sep. 16th, 2013


Going Through the Motions [open]

Who: Ben Braeden and YOU
Where: All over Mandalus
When: Monday through Wednesday of this week
Warnings: Nothing beyond emo not!Winchester

He had left the Enterprise awhile ago at this point, and was crashing still with Snow and Charming. He helped out around the place a bit - he felt the need to earn his keep after having been working so hard on the ship - but he was left with a lot of time on his hands and not a whole lot to do.

It took him awhile to risk exploring again. The fears of being snatched up again by the cult was evident as he had taken a kitchen knife and stuck it in his boots so that he had something to fight with when he was by himself, even just around the farm.

Slowly he started to make his way back into the city, though. He was careful though. Always in areas that had a lot of people, but not too crowded. He was back at the farm before the sun set. He didn't take any risks and just kept his head down and watched people.

He was trying to learn faces to know who were people like him, and people who belonged in this place. Who he could trust. And who he needed to stay far away from.

And sometimes he would ride his bike past the place he knew Dean was working and stop a moment. Ben kept debating on what he was going to do when it came to Dean, but in the end he just kept riding. His finger kept hovering over the button to call him, but never pushed it.

Dean didn't want him. That's really all that it came down to. Ben was there, he remembered that Dean always left and even took away his memories of him, and now after giving them back, he hadn't seen or heard from the man. So it was obvious Dean just didn't want him, and he wasn't going to try and get him to change his mind again.

He would just hope that eventually, the System would find him and send him home, because he really didn't want to be here anymore.

Aug. 26th, 2013


Where do I Belong? [closed]

Who: Ben Braeden and Captain James T. Kirk
Where: Enterprise - Ben's room
When: August 19th (backdated)

Ben had gotten his memories back on the 15th and he had proceeded to throw every obscenity he knew at Dean Winchester before storming off to his room and locking the door. He was still on medical review, dealing with his breakdown and what he had been told he did.

There were whispers from the nurses about bad effects for people coming back from the dead, and that was probably all his hallucinations were. But Ben knew there was more. His new... old... whatever these memories of his were, they had bled into the hallucinations.

It explained all his nightmares. The missing times in his life for a few years. Things that had never felt quite right all made sense now. And it had been done by the person he had loved almost as much as his mother.

Dean had been like a father to him, and he had gone and done that. How could he betray him like that? He was supposed to love him, and fucking people up isn't a way to show love.

He knew that the nurses weren't happy with him recovery mentally, and Ben was just waiting for Bones, Darcy, or Kirk to come down and try to figure him out. So he was prepared, and already had something written up explaining why he couldn't work on the ship anymore.

Bones had been right. Ben was a kid, and he shouldn't be here. This wasn't a place for a kid, and all he had done was get shot, killed, and nearly taken out half the ship. He couldn't stay here after that. It wasn't fair to the others to have to deal with his messed up head.

And Dean sure as hell didn't want to deal with him either. After all, he's the one who made Castiel take away all his memories of him.

He just needed to figure out where to go when the time came. He was too scared to walk across the mandalay again if the cultists were there waiting for him, so he just hid in his room, waiting for his fate to be decided.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Oh Memories!

Who: Dean, Castiel and Ben
What: Returning Ben's memories
Where: Uss Enterprise
When: August 15th
Rating: Maybe PG-13? Possibly angsty?

Where'd you go? )

Jul. 10th, 2013


❝ it could be much worse but the call is close, tomorrow's my reason for today to let go. ❞

Who: James T Kirk, Nyota Uhura, Darcy Lewis, Kaylee Frye, Ben Braeden,
What: The Enterprise crew reflects on Khan's break out.
Where: Enterprise Sickbay
When: Night of 7/2 (BACKDATED)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Free-For-All thread hop!

Read more... )

Jun. 22nd, 2013


002 → that familiar glass cell

Who: John Harrison and anyone on the Enterprise who wants to visit him
What: Poor Mr Harrison is captured again
Where: The Enterprise brig
When: 06/18 - 06/22 (after this)
Rating: Gonna say PG-13
Notes: Please state in subject what day/night you're coming to visit him

[How familiar. The white walls, the bright lights, the glass. And this time, he didn't want to be here. He would rather be anywhere else in this damned place than here. But thanks to Uhura's arrival and her revealing his identity to the others. And he had no reason to believe she had told Kirk any less than everything that had happened.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he watched his surroundings carefully, taking note of the number of guards and the frequency they changed shifts. Kirk was, evidently, taking no chances, as there were two security guards in the halls outside. He noted, over the course of several days, the routines of the guards, their idle conversation (he couldn't hear it as well as he should've been able to; probably that damn bangle), and their faces. Three times each day they'd bring him food, and each time he tried to speak to any of them, they would ignore him.

He slept only occasionally, preferring to make them think he was asleep rather than actually sleeping. They talked more freely when they thought he wasn't listening, but sometimes he'd drift off for three or four hours. He adjusted well enough to the fact that they never turned off the lights, and the less than comfortable bed. He'd long since grown used to both those things anyway.]

Jun. 13th, 2013


I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy

Who: Ben Braeden and Dean Winchester
What: Encounter on the ship
Where: USS Enterprise
When: June 12th 2013
Rating: Probably PG at most?
Notes: There will probably be Dean angst and teenage angst and awkwardness and possibly arguing. Also a ship tour because fuck you Kirk no I kid ilubb

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May. 30th, 2013


❝ it's time to begin, isn't it? i get a little bit bigger, but then i'll admit... ❞

Who: James T Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Kaylee Frye, Darcy Lewis, Ben Braeden
What: Kirk has called a meeting of his entire crew in Mandalus to discuss ship operations, position expectations, and planning the first expedition Kirk will announce later.
Where: USS Enterprise's conference room
When: Afternoon of 5/30
Rating: PG unless people use bad words
Notes: This log is open for everyone to tag each other on! Crew meeting! Kirk will be tagging everyone, so feel free to expand and talk to one another. The Enterprise crew is like a family. Make some CR~

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May. 17th, 2013


Totally Supposed to Be Here

Who: Ben Braeden, Captain Jim Kirk, Kaylee Frye
Where: Aboard the Enterprise
When: Friday the 17th

The nightmares hadn't found him yet, thankfully, but Ben was not taking any chances. As the sun started to set, he was in his room, the doors and windows closed, and he had his towel shoved under the door so nothing could slip through the cracks.

But that meant that by the time the sun rose, he was wide awake and bored. So Friday he was out on the bicycle that he acquired and happened to find a set of rail tracks over a bridge. Curiosity won, and he rode the bike along them until he found himself at the shipyards and in front of the Enterprise.

"Whoa..." he said softly, looking at the size of it. And then he was off, leaving the bike hidden behind another ship before he was up the ramp. He slipped around corners, trying to avoid people as he walked around, finally finding himself in what he figured was the engine room.

"This is awesome," he said as he climbed a ladder, wanting to get a better look at the room from above.