Jun. 23rd, 2012


Who: Thomas Clark
When: June 20th, 2012 (Backdated)
Where: Eva's flat
What: Dreaming
Status: Completed
Warnings: Combat, Mention of rape, Adult language

Hunting Red Crow )

May. 7th, 2012


Who: Kit and Thomas.
What: Celebrating his birthday.
Where: Thomas' place.
When: Sunday at 2AM
Rating: R for adult content.
Status: Complete!

Once the deed was done, Kit was sure she had chocolate and creme on her as she put her underwear and shirt back on. )

Apr. 23rd, 2012


Who: [info]dtrombley and [info]mr_clark
What: Going to look at animals
Where: Friends of Shelter Pets
When: Saturday, April 21 (backdated)
Warnings: None
Status: In Progress

it's time to get a pet! )

Apr. 17th, 2012


Hello, Los Angeles. I understand there are a few friends here in this fair city that I met during my time in San Francisco and that umm...other place. I'm looking at you Mrs. Colins...or should I say Fieilds? I hope to run into you and your family again and reconnect. For the others that don't know me, I'm Thomas Clark, former Royal Commando Marine and MI6 intelligence. I now plymy trade at Xe services as a security consultant. I hail from Manchester, U.K. I'm an avid supporter of Manchester United, so you'll most likely find me in a pub that plays their matches in my free time. I hope to get to know some of you better in the coming days.