Oct. 3rd, 2012


Who: Luke Colins, Jackie Fieilds
What: Talking
Where: Jay's Diner
When: October 3, 2012 Mid-afternoon
Rating: PG-13 Mild Language
Status: Threading

Talk and talk. )

Sep. 7th, 2012


WHO: Nicole Howe, Luke Colins, Ali & Echo Collocott, Jackie & Derek Fieilds,Colins kids (npc) & Howe family (npc)
WHEN: Friday - 9/7/12 - Evening
WHERE: Colins home
WHAT: Olivia's birthday
RATING: Pg-13 in case of cursing
STATUS: In progress

It's a magical birthday  )

Sep. 2nd, 2012


Who: Jackie Fieilds and OPEN!! Com'n and jump in it!
When: September 3, 2012 --Labor Day!
Where: "Jay's Diner"
What: The Grand Opening!
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nerves are involved so ... maybe jumpy moments? Include teases

Grand Opening of Jay's Diner! )

Jul. 4th, 2012


Who: Colins family and Open
What: 4th of July BBQ
Where: 726 South Bronson Avenue
When: July 4th, Midday
Rating: PG till the kids go to bed then maybe PG-13

Happy 4th of July! )

May. 26th, 2012


Who: Jackie, Derek, Luke, and Nicole (And all NPCs)
What: Celebration of Memorial Day Weekend at Home
When: Sunday afternoon, May 27
Where: Louisville, Kentucky, the Colins' Farm
Status: Threading
Warnings: Possible language. Maybe some crazy humor. I don't know yet.

A Good BBQ )

May. 13th, 2012


Who: Desiré and OPEN
What: Walking the beach
When: Monday, May 14
Where: The beach, of course!
Warnings: Can't think of any

nothing witty to say here :) )

May. 12th, 2012


Who: Jackie and Kit
What: Recovering from a Busy Night
Where: Kit's place
When: Seriously backdated cause of me. May 9, 2012 Evening
Rating: PG-13 for possible language?
Status: Thread Thread

Movie, Talks, and Chats )

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Who: Derek and Jackie Fieilds
What: Breaking it to the man
When: April 23, Monday night at 8:30
Where: Their house
Warnings: May content sexual content? They are married. :)
Status: Threading

Keep your eyes closed baby. )

Apr. 18th, 2012


Who: Jaclyn Fieilds and Chase Thorton
What: Psychic readings and meetings
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Chase's Apartment
Warnings: Emotional, Mushy Stuff
Status: Thread, thread

A Real Psychic, How Exciting! )

Apr. 16th, 2012


Who: [info]jaydewilson and [info]jaclyncolins
What: Yik and Yakking
When: April 16, 2012, Monday at 7
Where: The Cheesecake Factory! (Mmm)
Warnings: Jackie might have an O from enjoying the cheesecakes but other than that, we're good
Status: Threading!

Cheesecake! )

Apr. 14th, 2012


Hi ya'll, I'm Jackie! I just moved here from Oregon and I ain't the happiest about it but you know, my brother moves here, and my husband gets transferred so ... yep! I'm originally from Kentucky, I'm a Mama of one, and my baby boy is three and a half months old, and I got a beautiful golden retriever named Rusti. She's a very special dog. So now that know a little about me I'm fixing to ask ya'll a question ....

If you have a pet, what kind is it and its name? If you don't, what would you like? I read a bit into that cause I'm biased towards dogs but, it's always a great way to open up conversation! :)