June 2013



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Apr. 9th, 2013


Do you ever get used to the whole we have no seasons here deal? I mean, not complaining that I'm not shivering right now, but it's really weird. I'm Jolene, or Jo, or JJ, or some other name that I didn't know you called me.

Apr. 7th, 2013


I'm late! I know. I guess at least not late on the period aspect. If I was, I think my husband's doctor would get a lot of words, and my husband well, his penis would be getting a cold stare from now until eternity. Okay, maybe not that long. I couldn't handle it, but it would get a stare. Hey LA, I'm Nikki. Mommy of five. I used to make babies now I bartend a bar, what do you do?

Mar. 23rd, 2013


CovisLit or Customs

Sup, folks? I'm Cov, and I'm new to this forum thing. Shit, relatively new to the whole ridiculous social media scene. Don't get that confused with the social scene, because I have a beautiful fucking handle on that. I don't have a facebook, my myspace died years ago, and I only recently joined twitter. The ONLY reason I joined twitter was to keep up with my favorite bands and musicians. That's how I heard about the meet and greet held recently with my favorite small time DJ, DJ Double D. She is AHFUCKINGMAZING. She spins better than any rave DJ out there. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a fucking fangirl for that pink haired bitch. Someone got my fangirling on video, too.

Dear DJ Double D,

Love me <3

So, that said, because it has nothing to do with anything that I can tell, who is your favorite person to follow on twitter and why? Make it good. I have a lot of down time when the models are fucking around in hair and make up.

Feb. 25th, 2013


Customize me, bitches. or if you have to MelikeyMarkus

My name is Markus. I'm a 22 year old male from Pomonoa, California. I like long walks on the beach, rolling my hips til bitches throw money at me, long romantic blow jobs, and baking cakes. I like smoking marathons with my biffle, because fuck knows we can out smoke Cheech and Chong. I enjoy going to raves,dancing to my favorite DJ's latest spin set, and experimenting with cake flavors. Oh, and I like girls that look like this. )

Wait, this isn't a personal ad? Fuck. Well then. Let me just sell myself to you, because I fucking can. Come see me dance down at Right Track! It'll be worth every cent you stuff into my waistband. Or! Come eat dessert at Omni. It's high class and expensive because it's fucking tasty. You'll be glad you did. It'll make your girl or your boy slide right out of their panties, I promise.

Enough of that fuckery. Time for srs bzns.

So, everyone has scars. I have scars you wouldn't believe. Which of your scars has the most interesting story. Interesting doesn't mean exciting, bitches. Interesting can be good or bad, and isn't because you tripped up a curb one night when you were drunk off your ass (not looking at you at all biffle).

Feb. 16th, 2013


CUSTOMS PLEASE ... or artisticGKA

Hello! I'm Gavin! I own Living Ink. It's a tattoo parlor. If you don't have a tattoo yet, come see us. If you have a tattoo, come get another one! All you have to do is set up an appointment with me or one of my guys. Wait, this is not a business add, this is a hello. Ok. Ok. I got this. Uh.

Jokes. Jokes are good. I like to laugh. Tell me the best joke you've heard recently.

Tattoos. Show me your tattoos or what you want to get tattooed. I think.. I'm going to pull rank since this is my shop.. if you mention this intro the next time you come in for a tattoo consultation, you get 10% off your next ink. Win? Win. Ty, Birch, I'm sorry in advance.


Feb. 1st, 2013


DeluxxDrama or Customs

Hello, beautiful people of LA. And the rest of you too. I’m Trevor Luxx from down at Right Track. What song’s playing on your Ipod right now? If you don’t have you Ipod, what song would be playing if you had it? If you have no Ipod, clearly you should reevaluate your life choices. Just like the Blow Pop company needs to reevaluate their wrappers because Strawberry looks like Watermelon and lies to me every. Fucking. Time.

Remember that Wonderland, baby, is all in your head.

And try ordering a chileto from Taco Bell sometime. See what happens.


Customs or InTranWeTrust

Hello hello, ladies and gentlemen!

I just moved here two weeks ago, and I am LOVING Los Angeles, yo. My name is Trandon, and I'm a huge fan of... well, lots of things. But one of my obsessions besides my hamster Shredder, my new job, and my video camera is memedroid. I could spend HOURS clicking through that stuff, not even kidding. I have gotten some seriously awkward looks from laughing out loud in public. I have a loud laugh. Oops? Anyway, how could you not with gems like this?

So, like, I want to get to know you. Show me a meme that represents you... or that makes you really laugh. Don't be afraid, nothing is too wrong for me, I swear.

Jan. 14th, 2013


Oh my god it is so fucking wonderful to be back in the United States! If you ever have the chance to go to Australia, skip it. Just go look at kangaroos we have in the zoos here. I mean, I met a few people I liked but good lord are they different over there. Even the seasons are backwards! Oh, my name. You might want that right? Helps when you ask for my number later. I'm Missy Lane. We'll skip through this next bit quickly so I don't have to repeat myself fifty times. Yes, my father's an actor. Yes, we're filthy rich. Yes, we have maids. No, I've never been asked for an autograph. Kay, so that's over. Now you guys tell me the worst place you've lived or the worst vacation you've ever been on.

Jan. 11th, 2013



Hi! I'm Fallon. ^_^ I have a dog named Blue and an iguana named Pablo. They babysit each other while I'm working. I work at an assisted living facility. So. Yeah. I'm actually kind of a newbie to Los Angeles. I've been here for about 6 months, but I still don't know where I am or all that there is to see. I have a terrible sense of direction. My poor GPS had to be replaced recently because I burned it up! To give it some credit, it got me all over Chicago and Boston before running around Los Angeles! I'm not sure why I shared all of that, but there you have it! If you want to show me around, PLEASE, but please, please don't expect me to get there on the first try. >.>

Ok! So! I'm kind of a fan of The Huffington Post. They have all kinds of interesting articles, informative and entertaining, every day. I've seen some really amazing stuff on it. One of the most interesting things that I've seen recently was actually posted two days ago! I saw this article about a transgender time lapse video the other day. Holy cow! I was so impressed by the transformation! She makes a prettier girl than I do some days. I guess that could be said for Jared Leto and his Rayon character in his new movie as well. Anyway, that wasn't where I was going with this. What is something that you've seen recently that really blew you away or you thought was really interesting? I need things to look at when I'm sitting on third shift at the center.

Jan. 9th, 2013


I hate these things. Hello Los Angeles, I'm Marcello Lippi, and regardless of what you might hear in the news and read in the papers I'm not the second coming of satan. I own Lupa restaurant and various other slighty legal businesses. So if any of you need a job, I'm sure I can find something for you. Now it's my turn to learn a little something about you. If you could own your own business, what would it be and why?

Dec. 16th, 2012


Uh, Hey. I'm Destiny, I own Sirens. Guess this is me outing myself that I'm still in California but right now I don't give a damn. Can't hide forever right? Well, lets get down to business shall we?

1. Pregnant. Not exactly to happy about that but don't believe in abortion.
2. Business woman, plus very busy some of the time, don't mess with me.
3. Hormones are a bitch and if you don't have ice cream at the door, you will not be getting into my apartment.
4. I don't even know why I have a number 4, but I do, so deal with it. :P

So, that's pretty much about it. I'm hesitant in meeting new people but it should be done because I really can't hide forever.

What's everyone doing for Christmas?
Tags: ,

Dec. 14th, 2012



Ayyy, Los Angeles! I'm Trixie or you can call me Trix for short, I like that one too. That brings me to my question.

Names, nicknames, everyone's got them. But who thinks they have the perfect name, ever? Not a lot of people. If you could rename yourself, what would it be? If you love your name why don't you tell me what you would rename someone else?
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Heyo. I'm Nine. The only reason I have this thing is because my little sister and my brother from another mother said I had to get one. That and it helps me keep an eye on E's boyfriend. Is it worth having, you might ask? I suppose so. It gives me something to do in my down time. Man there is some drama in this forum. It's good for a laugh if nothing else.

Anyway. I guess I'm going to be cool like them and ask a question. I don't know what to ask. If you could ask me any question, what would it be? Anything at all. I'll answer all questions to the best of my ability. Ok! Go! I promise I'll come up with something more clever later.

Dec. 13th, 2012


Greetings, everyone. My name is Kian Ryker and I am a professor of computer sciences. The Harley parked in the UCLA lot just about every day belongs to me. I ride in my spare time and, really, I ride it anywhere other than places I have to drive my car for. The grocery store is one of those rare car trips. My most prized possession is my leather jacket. So tell me, LA, what's YOUR most prized possession?


Why hello, my name is Ginger and I am looking for a job. I need something at night, so that I can finish school and get my degree. I'm not willing to strip, my brother would kill any man who looked at me, and I'm not willing to do illegal things.

if you can't offer a job, what was your worst job?

Dec. 5th, 2012


Hi, I'm Tyrus. I just started down at Living Ink. Uhm... I'm from Detroit originally, here staying with a couple friends because my landlord fucked me over....there's not really a big secret story here or anything.

So here's a question for you, LA. Which club would you say was the best strip joint in this city? My roommates would say Silver Reign because they work there but they're prolly biased. And what bar's got the cheapest beer on Wednesdays?

Aug. 6th, 2012


My name's Giovanni... and I have a feeling that I ain't in Kansas Colorado anymore! What's good, Los Angeles? You got enough room for this Cowboy?

Jul. 13th, 2012


AIM: lefemmemanda or CUSTOMS

I'm the woman that helps the ladies find exactly what they want to wear under their clothes, or to bed, or on the beach. Well, those that find their way into my store anyway. I'm Amanda (if you're a friend you can call me Manda) and I'm the owner of Le Femme Fatale Lingerie & Swimwear on Rodeo Drive. It took me four years from the time I wanted to open the store until it opened and I couldn't be prouder of it.

So...when it comes to swimsuits, do you prefer leaving some to the imagination or do you believe that less is more?

Jun. 30th, 2012


Ever been serving drinks one night and a customer is so drunk they tip you a $50 instead of a five? Yeah, that shit’s never happened to me either; it’d be nice though! Either way, I’m Rayelle and I currently bartend down at Hell City. Got any stories about luck on the job, whatever it may be, you wanna share?

Jun. 18th, 2012


An Intro of Sorts...

I can't believe I let him talk me into this. From what I understand, I'm suppose to introduce myself. So, rather than not live up to the expectation of my faceless, electronic peers, I shall do as requested. My name is Lexi Montgomery, I'm the Assistant Manager at Cain Couture, I spent four years studying Media design at UCLA, and I'm British - born and raised in London, England. Yes, I have an accent. No, I don't partake in tea and crumpets you couldn't find a good crumpet this side of the Atlantic anyway. Yes, if you ever have the pleasure of meeting me in person and proceed to mock my accent I will swiftly (and quite skillfully) punch you in the throat.

Okay? Awesome.

Lexi ♥

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