Oct. 25th, 2012


WHO: Everyone is invited
WHEN: Oct 31, 9pm-? ((Since it's a group thread, I'm posting early))
WHERE: The Draven Household
WHAT: Halloween Party
WARNINGS: language, drinking, edited as needed

I think you’re a bit too amused looking )

Jun. 18th, 2012


officerdcoop or customs

So. I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. One of my buddies suggested this to help keep me "socially connected". Sure. Ok. I don't know. But, uh. Here we go.

I'm Officer Daniel Cooper. I work for the LAPD. I'm a huge fan of boxing, surfing, and carry-out. Uh. So there you have it.

Questions, right? Ok. Questions. Ok. A question in trade for a question? I'll ask you one, and then you ask me one. What is your phobia? If you don't know the technical name for it, you can find that information here.