Oct. 25th, 2012


WHO: Everyone is invited
WHEN: Oct 31, 9pm-? ((Since it's a group thread, I'm posting early))
WHERE: The Draven Household
WHAT: Halloween Party
WARNINGS: language, drinking, edited as needed

I think you’re a bit too amused looking )

Sep. 7th, 2012


WHO: Nicole Howe, Luke Colins, Ali & Echo Collocott, Jackie & Derek Fieilds,Colins kids (npc) & Howe family (npc)
WHEN: Friday - 9/7/12 - Evening
WHERE: Colins home
WHAT: Olivia's birthday
RATING: Pg-13 in case of cursing
STATUS: In progress

It's a magical birthday  )

Aug. 25th, 2012


WHO: Echo, Ali, Jayde, Micah
WHEN: Aug 10
WHERE: Vegas
WHAT: The accidental wedding
WARNINGS: drinking, fighting, language, asshattery
STATUS: In progress

They're fucked. Fucked to hell. Fucked to married hell. )