Sep. 7th, 2012


WHO: Nicole Howe, Luke Colins, Ali & Echo Collocott, Jackie & Derek Fieilds,Colins kids (npc) & Howe family (npc)
WHEN: Friday - 9/7/12 - Evening
WHERE: Colins home
WHAT: Olivia's birthday
RATING: Pg-13 in case of cursing
STATUS: In progress

It's a magical birthday  )

Sep. 2nd, 2012


Who: Jackie Fieilds and OPEN!! Com'n and jump in it!
When: September 3, 2012 --Labor Day!
Where: "Jay's Diner"
What: The Grand Opening!
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nerves are involved so ... maybe jumpy moments? Include teases

Grand Opening of Jay's Diner! )

May. 26th, 2012


Who: Jackie, Derek, Luke, and Nicole (And all NPCs)
What: Celebration of Memorial Day Weekend at Home
When: Sunday afternoon, May 27
Where: Louisville, Kentucky, the Colins' Farm
Status: Threading
Warnings: Possible language. Maybe some crazy humor. I don't know yet.

A Good BBQ )

May. 13th, 2012


Who: Luke Colins and Derek Fieilds ((NPC: James, Sam, and Jason))
What: Teaching the boys about cars
When: 13 May 2012
Where: Derek's Garage
Warnings: Language
Status: Threading

Rite of Passage )

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Who: Derek and Jackie Fieilds
What: Breaking it to the man
When: April 23, Monday night at 8:30
Where: Their house
Warnings: May content sexual content? They are married. :)
Status: Threading

Keep your eyes closed baby. )

Apr. 17th, 2012


Hey LA, I'm Derek Fieilds. I have been an Active Duty Marine for about thirteen years. I came from Heritage, Oregon with my wife, Jaclyn Fieilds and my son Jason Fieilds. It was a sad journey, but I think that the move was best for us. One of my hobbies is that I am a car enthusiast. I am currently finishing my 1967 Impala SS project that I had started a while back. I still have to paint it and refinish the chrome accents before it can be finished.

If you were to have a car that you could rebuild, what would it be? If you have rebuilt a car, what is it and is there anything you would do differently if given the chance. For example, I would have rebuilt the original engine and made it a cruiser instead of a street/strip car. That way I could have left my bench seat in and my wife and I could enjoy a sunset together on the beach. We could still do so, but I would have been better with the bench seat.